Home - Sigimera/sigimera-ruby-client GitHub Wiki
The sigimera library was developed to support developers that make use of the Crises Information Platform REST API. This Wiki describes the process from the installation to how to use the library to get different resources provided by Sigimera.
Install sigimera manually from command line and test it with the ruby interpreter:
gem install sigimera
>> require "sigimera"
>> require "openssl"
>> puts Sigimera::Client.get_api_version
>> puts Sigimera::Client.get_public_crises
>> puts Sigimera::Client.get_public_rss_feed
Add sigimera to your Gemfile:
gem 'sigimera'
Dig deeper...
If you need more functionality as mentioned above you have to create an account at Sigimera. Don't worry it is completely free and takes only a few seconds. You can also use your Facebook or GMail account.
- Create an account
- Get an authentication token from the Developer Dashboard
>> require "sigimera"
>> require "openssl"
# see http://api.sigimera.org/dashboard
>> client = Sigimera::Client.new("YourSecretAuthenticationToken")
>> puts client.get_latest_crises
>> puts client.get_latest_crises({ :type => "earthquakes" })
Build your own application(s)
Now you are ready to include the sigimera gem into your own project. You can use for this purpose the Gemfile and add the following line:
gem 'sigimera'
Don't forget to add the require 'sigimera' line to your code.
Do you have questions?
You can use the sigimera-dev mailinglist/forum or contact us directly under [email protected]