Translations - Sibra-Soft/audiostation GitHub Wiki

Translate Audiostation

This is certainly the best way to help. By contributing a new translation or completing/improving an existing one, you’re helping to make Audiostation available to even more people than today.

The following translations have been done:

  • Dutch (nl-NL)
  • English (en-UK)

Creating Translations

If you want to create a translation for the Audiostation application feel free to send you translation to [email protected] so we can add your translation as available language to our installation package.

Audiostation uses language files for the translation of all the words and sentences used in the applciation. These language files are located in the installation folder and a made up as INI files. Below you will find a example of a language file.

1019=Playlist File etc....

Always start by creating a copy of the english translation file named: english.lng

After creating a kopie you can open the copied file in notepad, notepad ++ or a text editor you preffer. Don't change the numbers only change the words and sentences to you choosen langauge. When you are finished you can send your file to our e-mail adres.

If you choose to translate the website or this documentation please let me know so I can help you and give you the tools and text you'lll need.