Home - SibLiant/pws-schedule GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the pws-schedule wiki!
Clone the repository:
git clone [email protected]:SibLiant/pws-schedule.git my_install_directory
Install the necessary vendor files via composer:
cd my_install_directory
Run composer.json file to install vendors
composer install
Create a new environment config file and generate a new laravel app key for it. user the .env.example file in the root as a reference.
touch .env; php artisan key:generate
configure your database per laravel docs. I use postgres. I don't believe I used any code that would prevent you from using any other supported database but I could be wrong.
run the migrations to build the database structure:
php artisan migrate:refresh
run the migrations and seed the database with test data
php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
Publish any vendor files from service providers that were brought in via composer ( right now just laracasts/flash )
php artisan vendor:publish