UserEvaluation - ShutUpPaulo/TecProg_2016-01 GitHub Wiki

Class UserEvaluation

Class Attributes

Name Type Description Default Value
rating Float Stores the rating given to the user being evaluated by te user evaluator
userId Integer Stores the identifier of the user evaluator
userEvaluatedId Integer Stores the identifier of the user being evaluated
EVALUATION_IS_INVALID String Stores the message error for invalid evaluation value "Hey, a avaliação deve estar entre 0 e 5"
USER_ID_IS_INVALID String Stores the message error for invalid user evaluator identifier "O identificador do usuário é inválido"
USER_EVALUATED_ID_IS_INVALID String Stores the message error for invalid identifier for user being evaluated "O identificador do usuário avaliado é inválido"



Return type: Constructor

Arguments: Float rating, Integer userId, Integer userEvaluatedId

Description: Creates a new user UserEvaluation object with the given attributes


Return type: Float

Arguments: No arguments

Description: Method that returns the rating given to the user


Return type: void

Arguments: Float rating

Description: Method that sets the rating given to the user


Return type: Integer

Arguments: No arguments

Description: Method that returns the identifier of the user evaluator


Return type: void

Arguments: Integer userId

Description: Method that sets the identifier of the user evaluator


Return type: Integer

Arguments: No arguments

Description: Method that returns the identifier of user being evaluated