ShowUser - ShutUpPaulo/TecProg_2016-01 GitHub Wiki

Class ShowUser

1. Class Attributes

Name Type Description Default Value
INVALID_IDENTIFIER final int Stores a invalid identifier to initialize identifier variables -2
userEvaluatedId String Stores the identifier of the user who has your information shown and can be evaluated INVALID_IDENTIFIER
currentUserId int Stores the identifier of the user logged in INVALID_IDENTIFIER

2. Methods

2.1. ShowUser

2.1.1. Description:

  • Constructor to instantiate a ShowUser object

2.1.2. Arguments:

  • No arguments

2.1.3. Return:

  • Type: Constructor

2.2. onCreateView

2.2.1. Description:

  • Overridden method that creates and returns the view hierarchy associated with the fragment

2.2.2. Arguments:

  • LayoutInflater inflater: Object used to inflate any views in the fragment
  • ViewGroup container: If non-null, is the parent view that the fragment should be attached to
  • Bundle savedInstanceState: If non-null, this fragment is being re-constructed from a previous saved state as given here

2.2.3. Return:

  • Type: View
  • Description: View of the Register fragment

2.2.4. Variables:

Name Type Description Default Value
showUserView View Stores the view of the fragment obtained through the layout XML * * *
isUserLoggedIn boolean Stores the user login status, must be true if the user is logged in and false if the user is logged out * * *
loginUtility LoginUtility Object that allows the access of the login utility methods * * *

2.3. onRatingChanged

2.3.1. Description:

  • Triggers actions that must be done when the rating changes

2.3.2. Arguments:

  • RatingBar ratingBar: The RatingBar whose rating has changed
  • float rating: The current rating (Must be >=0 and <=5)
  • boolean fromUser: True if the rating change was initiated by a user's touch gesture or arrow key/horizontal trackbell movement

2.3.3. Return:

  • Type: void

2.3.4. Variables:

Name Type Description Default Value
userEvaluation UserEvaluation Object to instantiate an user evaluation when the evaluator user set the rating at the ratingBar null
userEvaluationDAOn UserEvaluationDAO Object to access DAO method that allows to save the user evaluation at database * * *

2.4. setUserEvaluation

2.4.1. Description:

  • Instantiates an UserEvaluation object

2.4.2. Arguments:

  • Float rating: Evaluation given to the user (Must be >=0 and <=5)
  • Integer userId: Identifier of the evaluator user
  • Integer userEvaluatedId: Identifier of the user evaluated

2.4.3. Return:

  • Type: void

2.4.4. Variables:

Name Type Description Default Value
SUCCESSFUL_EVALUATION_MESSAGE String Message for inform that the evaluation was registered with success "Avaliação cadastrada com sucesso"

2.5 getUserInfoFromDataBase

2.5.1. Description:

  • Get the user name, birth date and mail from database

2.5.2. Arguments:

  • String userName: String to stores the name of the user
  • String userBirthDate: String to stores the birth date of the user
  • String userMail: String to stores the mail of the user

2.5.3. Return:

  • Type: void

2.5.4. Variables:

Name Type Description Default Value
userDAO UserDAO Object that allows access the DAO method to search user information at database * * *
userData JSONObject Stores the result of the search that contains the user information * * *

2.6. setEvaluationAtRatingBar

2.6.1. Description:

  • If the user already has an evaluation, this method sets it at ratingBar

2.6.2. Arguments:

  • RatingBar ratingBar: RatingBar to sets the evaluation

2.6.3. Return:

  • Type: void

2.6.4. Variables:

Name Type Description Default Value
userEvaluationDAO UserEvaluationDAO Object that allows access the DAO method to search an user evaluation at database * * *
userEvaluationAtDataBase JSONObject Stores the result of the search that contains the data of the user evaluation if the user already has, or null if he has not * * *
currentEvaluation Float Stores the user evaluation as float obtained through the data stored in the JSONObject userEvaluationAtDataBase * * *

2.7. showUserInformationOnTextView

2.7.1. Description:

  • Sets the TextViews to show the user information

2.7.2. Arguments:

  • View showUserView: View that contains the TextViews
  • String userName: Name to be set at the text view that shows the user name
  • String userBirthDate: Date to be set at the text view that shows the user birth date
  • String userMail: Mail to be set at the text view that shows the user mail

2.7.3. Return:

  • Type: void

2.7.4. Variables:

Name Type Description Default Value
userNameTextView TextView TextView that shows the name of the user * * *
userDateTextView TextView TextView that shows the birth date of the user * * *
userMailTextView TextView TextView that shows the mail of the user * * *

2.8. getUserLoginStatus

2.8.1. Description:

  • Verify if the user is logged in or logged out

2.8.2. Arguments:

  • No arguments

2.8.3. Return:

  • Type: boolean
  • Description: True if the user is logged in and false if the user is logged out

2.8.4. Variables:

Name Type Description Default Value
isUserLoggedIn boolean True if the user is logged in and false if the user is logged out false
loginUtility LoginUtility Object that allows access the LoginUtility method to check if the user is logged * * *

2.9. setRatingMessage

2.9.1. Description:

  • Sets the message of the ratingBar label based on user login status

2.9.2. Arguments:

  • View showUserView: View that contains the ratingBar label
  • String message: Message to be displayed at the label

2.9.3. Return:

  • Type: void

2.9.4. Variables:

Name Type Description Default Value
ratingMessageTextView TextView TextView that shows the message of the ratingBar label * * *

2.10. setUpRatingBar

2.10.1. Description:

  • Sets the necessary configurations of the ratingBar based on user login status

2.10.2. Arguments:

  • boolean isUserLoggedIn: User login status
  • View showUserView: View that contains the ratingBarlabel

2.10.3. Return:

  • Type: void

2.10.4. Variables:

Name Type Description Default Value
LOGGED_IN_MESSAGE final String Message to be displayed at the rating bar label for the users logged in "Sua avaliação:"
LOGGED_OUT_MESSAGE final String Message to be displayed at the rating bar label for the users logged out "Faça login para avaliar este usuário!"
ratingBar RatingBar Rating bar to be configured * * *

2.11. setRatingBarStyle

2.11.1. Description:

  • Sets the style of the ratingBar

2.11.2. Arguments:

  • RatingBar ratingBar: RatingBar to have its style set

2.11.3. Return:

  • Type: void

2.11.4. Variables:

Name Type Description Default Value
stars LayerDrawable Stars of the rating bar to have their color set * * *