PlaceDAO - ShutUpPaulo/TecProg_2016-01 GitHub Wiki

Class PlaceDAO

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Return type: Constructor

Arguments: Activity currentActivity - Current activity to show message of connection problem

Description: Constructor to instantiate a PlaceDAO object


Return type: JSONObject - Data of the places found

Arguments: String name - Part of the name to be searched on places name

Description: Method that searches places by part of name

searchPlaceByPartName attributes

Name Type Description Default Value
QUERY String Stores the query to search places with the given part of name "SELECT * FROM vw_place WHERE namePlace LIKE '%" + name + "%'"
placeByPartNameQueryResult JSONObject Stores the result of the search that contains the data of the places which the name contains the given part of name


Return type: JSONObject - Data of the places found

Arguments: No arguments

Description: Method that searches all places available in database

searchAllPlaces attributes

Name Type Description Default Value
QUERY String Stores the query to search all places available in database ordered by evaluation in descending order "SELECT * FROM vw_place ORDER BY evaluate DESC"
searchAllPlacesQueryResult JSONObject Stores the result of the search that contains the data of all places available in database ordered by evaluation in descending order


Return type: JSONObject - Data of the five events found

Arguments: No arguments

Description: Method that searches the five events with better evaluation

searchTop5Places attributes

Name Type Description Default Value
QUERY String Stores the query to search the five places in database with better evaluation ordered in descending order "SELECT * FROM vw_place ORDER BY evaluate DESC LIMIT 5
searchTop5PlacesQueryResult JSONObject Stores the result of the search that contains the data of athe five places in database with better evaluation ordered in descending order