ListEvents - ShutUpPaulo/TecProg_2016-01 GitHub Wiki

Class ListEvents

Class Attributes

Name Type Description Default Value
listView ListView Object of ListView class used to show a list of data in the app
events Vector Vector which keeps a list of the events created by the user logged in



Return type: Constructor


Description: Required constructor to instantiate a fragment object


Return type: Constructor

Arguments: Bundle savedInstanteState

Description: Calls the parent onCreate to setup the activity view that contains this fragment


Return type: View

Arguments: LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState

Description: Creates and returns the view hierarchy associated with the fragment

Name Type Description Default Value
view View Object of View that receives the Fragment view through the XML


Return type: void


Description: Populates a ArrayList with the events created by the user logged in

Name Type Description Default Value
idUserLoggedIn int ID of the user logged in
eventList List<Map<String, String>> List of the events to be shown in the listView
simpleAdapter SimpleAdapter Adapts the items of eventList to the listView


Return type: HashMap<String, String>

Arguments: String name, String number

Description: Creates a event

Name Type Description Default Value
HashMap<String, String> eventName HashMap where the event will be stored


Return type: void

Arguments: AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int positionEvent, long id

Description: Invoked when an item in the AdapterView was clicked

Name Type Description Default Value
fragmentTransaction Allows the current fragment to be replaced by the fragment to be opened
eventClicked Event Gets the object of the event which was clicked by the user logged in
editOrRemoveFragment EditOrRemoveFragment Instance of the class EditOrRemoveFragment
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️