EditOrRemoveFragment - ShutUpPaulo/TecProg_2016-01 GitHub Wiki

Class EditOrRemoveFragment

Class Attributes

Name Type Description Default Value
event Event Object of Event class used to get event information and show it to the user, so that him confirm if want to delete or update this event
eventCategoriesText TextView TextView that shows the event categories
eventPriceText TextView TextView that shows the event price
showEvent ShowEvent Object of ShowEvent class used to acess price converstion method
view View Object of View that receives the Fragment view through the XML



Return type: Constructor


Description: Required empty public constructor to allow the fragment may be called


Return type: View

Arguments: LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState

Description: Overrided method that configures the view elements and inflates these elements on the screen

Name Type Description Default Value
view View Object of View that receives the Fragment view through the XML
editOrRemoveButton Button Button that confirms that this is the event to be changed or deleted and calls the Fragment that allows this action to be performed
eventName String Stores the event name obtained through the Event object
eventDescription String Stores the event description obtained through the Event object
eventAddress String Stores the event description obtained through the Event object
eventDateTime String Stores the event date and hour obtained through the Event object
eventPrice Integer Stores the event price obtained through the Event object
nameEvent TextView TextView used to display the event name
dateEvent TextView TextView used to display the event date and hour
description TextView TextView used to display the event description
eventPriceText TextView TextView used to display the event price
eventAddress TextView TextView used to display the event address


Return type: void

Arguments: View view

Description: Method that calls editEventFragment when the user clicks in the Button which confirms that this is the event to be updated or deleted

Name Type Description Default Value
editEventFragment EditEventFragment() Object of EditEventFragment that allows it to be called
bundle Bundle Android resource used to passing data between activities and fragments, used to pass the event id to editEventFragment
fragmentTransaction FragmentTransaction Android resource used to make for making transitions between fragments, used to calls editEventFragment