Class User - ShutUpPaulo/TecProg_2016-01 GitHub Wiki

Class User

Class Attributes

Name Type Description Default Value
ID_IS_INVALID String Stores an error message of invalid ID "Id invalido"
NAME_CANT_BE_EMPTY_NAME String Stores an error message of an empty text box that should have a name within "Hey, acho que você está esquecendo de nos dizer seu nome."
NAME_CANT_BE_HIGHER_THAN_50 String Stores an error message about excess characters in the field "Hey, acho que você ultrapassou o número de caracteres permitido para o nome, tente novamente."
EMAIL_CANT_BE_EMPTY_EMAIL String Stores an error message of an empty text box where should have an email within "Hey, acho que você está esquecendo de nos dizer seu email."
EMAIL_CANT_BE_HIGHER_THAN_150 String Stores an error message about excess characters in the field "Hey, acho que você ultrapassou o número de caracteres permitido para email, tente novamente."
INVALID_EMAIL String Stores an error message of invalid email "Ops, esse e-mail é inválido."
CONFIRM_PASSWORD_CANT_BE_EMPTY String Stores an error message of an empty password box where should have a password within "Hey, confirme sua senha"
USERNAME_CANT_BE_EMPTY_USERNAME String Stores an error message of an empty tex box where should have an username within "Hey, acho que você está esquecendo de nos dizer seu login."
USERNAME_CANT_BE_HIGHER_THAN_100 String Stores am error message about excess characters in the field "Hey, acho que você ultrapassou o número de caracteres permitido para o login, tente novamente."
PASSWORD_CANT_BE_EMPTY_PASSWORD String Stores an error message of an empty password box where should have a password within "Hey, acho que você está esquecendo de nos dizer sua senha."
PASSWORD_CANT_BE_LESS_THAN_6 String Stores an error message about a very small password. "Hey, acho que vocẽ não atingiu o número mínimo de caracteres."
BIRTH_DATE_CANT_BE_EMPTY String Stores an error message of an empty date box where should have an birth date within "Hey, acho que você está esquecendo de nos dizer um dia muito especial, a data do seu nascimento."
EMAIL_ARE_NOT_EQUALS String Stores an error message of unequal emails "Ops, E-mails não conferem."
PASSWORD_ARE_NOT_EQUALS String Stores an error message of unequal passwords "Ops, as senhas não conferem."
INVALID_BIRTH_DATE String Stores an error message of invalid birth date "Ops, essa data é inválida"
USERNAME_EXISTENT String Stores an error message of an invalid username "Ops, esse login já existe"
MAX_LENGTH_NAME Integer Stores the maximum length to name field 50
MAX_LENGTH_EMAIL Integer Stores the maximum length to email field 150
MAX_LENGTH_USERNAME Integer Stores the maximum length to username field 100
MIN_LENGTH_PASSWPRD Integer Stores the minimum length to password field 06
idUser Integer Stores the identification number of the user ---
name String Stores the name of the user ---
username String Stores the username of the user ---
email String Stores the email of the user ---
password String Stores the password of the user ---
birthDate String Stores the birth date of the user ---



Return type: Boolean;

Arguments: User user;

Description: Verifies if the user doesn't have any information equal to another user;


Return type: Constructor;

Arguments: Integer idUser, String name, String username, String birthDate, String email, String mailConfirmation, String password, String passwordConfirmation;

Description: Creates a new user object with the given attributes;


Return type: Void;

Arguments: Integer idUser;

Description: Method that sets an idUser number to the user;


Return type: Void;

Arguments: String name;

Description: Method that sets a name to the user;


Return type Void;

Arguments: String email;

Description: Method that sets an email to the user;


Return type: Void;

Arguments: String confirmationMail;

Description: Method that verifies if the emails informed are the same;


Return type: Void;

Arguments: String username;

Description: Method that sets an username to the user;


Return type: Void;

Arguments: String password;

Description: Method that sets a password to the user;


Return type: Void;

Arguments: String confirmationPassword;

Description: Method that verifies if the passwords are the same;


Return type: Void;

Arguments: String birthDate;

Description: Method that sets the birth date to the user;


Return type: Integer;

Arguments: No arguments;

Description: Method that returns the identification number of the user;


Return type: String;

Arguments: No arguments;

Description: Method that returns the name of the user;


Return type: String;

Arguments: No arguments;

Description: Method that returns the username to the user;


Return type: String;

Arguments: No arguments;

Description: Method that returns the email to the user;


Return type: String;

Arguments: No arguments;

Description: Method that returns the password to the user;


Return type: String;

Arguments: No arguments;

Description: Method that returns the birth date of the user;