Class User - ShutUpPaulo/TecProg_2016-01 GitHub Wiki
Class User
Class Attributes
Name | Type | Description | Default Value |
ID_IS_INVALID | String | Stores an error message of invalid ID | "Id invalido" |
NAME_CANT_BE_EMPTY_NAME | String | Stores an error message of an empty text box that should have a name within | "Hey, acho que você está esquecendo de nos dizer seu nome." |
NAME_CANT_BE_HIGHER_THAN_50 | String | Stores an error message about excess characters in the field | "Hey, acho que você ultrapassou o número de caracteres permitido para o nome, tente novamente." |
EMAIL_CANT_BE_EMPTY_EMAIL | String | Stores an error message of an empty text box where should have an email within | "Hey, acho que você está esquecendo de nos dizer seu email." |
EMAIL_CANT_BE_HIGHER_THAN_150 | String | Stores an error message about excess characters in the field | "Hey, acho que você ultrapassou o número de caracteres permitido para email, tente novamente." |
INVALID_EMAIL | String | Stores an error message of invalid email | "Ops, esse e-mail é inválido." |
CONFIRM_PASSWORD_CANT_BE_EMPTY | String | Stores an error message of an empty password box where should have a password within | "Hey, confirme sua senha" |
USERNAME_CANT_BE_EMPTY_USERNAME | String | Stores an error message of an empty tex box where should have an username within | "Hey, acho que você está esquecendo de nos dizer seu login." |
USERNAME_CANT_BE_HIGHER_THAN_100 | String | Stores am error message about excess characters in the field | "Hey, acho que você ultrapassou o número de caracteres permitido para o login, tente novamente." |
PASSWORD_CANT_BE_EMPTY_PASSWORD | String | Stores an error message of an empty password box where should have a password within | "Hey, acho que você está esquecendo de nos dizer sua senha." |
PASSWORD_CANT_BE_LESS_THAN_6 | String | Stores an error message about a very small password. | "Hey, acho que vocẽ não atingiu o número mínimo de caracteres." |
BIRTH_DATE_CANT_BE_EMPTY | String | Stores an error message of an empty date box where should have an birth date within | "Hey, acho que você está esquecendo de nos dizer um dia muito especial, a data do seu nascimento." |
EMAIL_ARE_NOT_EQUALS | String | Stores an error message of unequal emails | "Ops, E-mails não conferem." |
PASSWORD_ARE_NOT_EQUALS | String | Stores an error message of unequal passwords | "Ops, as senhas não conferem." |
INVALID_BIRTH_DATE | String | Stores an error message of invalid birth date | "Ops, essa data é inválida" |
USERNAME_EXISTENT | String | Stores an error message of an invalid username | "Ops, esse login já existe" |
MAX_LENGTH_NAME | Integer | Stores the maximum length to name field | 50 |
MAX_LENGTH_EMAIL | Integer | Stores the maximum length to email field | 150 |
MAX_LENGTH_USERNAME | Integer | Stores the maximum length to username field | 100 |
MIN_LENGTH_PASSWPRD | Integer | Stores the minimum length to password field | 06 |
idUser | Integer | Stores the identification number of the user | --- |
name | String | Stores the name of the user | --- |
username | String | Stores the username of the user | --- |
String | Stores the email of the user | --- | |
password | String | Stores the password of the user | --- |
birthDate | String | Stores the birth date of the user | --- |
Return type: Boolean;
Arguments: User user;
Description: Verifies if the user doesn't have any information equal to another user;
Return type: Constructor;
Arguments: Integer idUser, String name, String username, String birthDate, String email, String mailConfirmation, String password, String passwordConfirmation;
Description: Creates a new user object with the given attributes;
Return type: Void;
Arguments: Integer idUser;
Description: Method that sets an idUser number to the user;
Return type: Void;
Arguments: String name;
Description: Method that sets a name to the user;
Return type Void;
Arguments: String email;
Description: Method that sets an email to the user;
Return type: Void;
Arguments: String confirmationMail;
Description: Method that verifies if the emails informed are the same;
Return type: Void;
Arguments: String username;
Description: Method that sets an username to the user;
Return type: Void;
Arguments: String password;
Description: Method that sets a password to the user;
Return type: Void;
Arguments: String confirmationPassword;
Description: Method that verifies if the passwords are the same;
Return type: Void;
Arguments: String birthDate;
Description: Method that sets the birth date to the user;
Return type: Integer;
Arguments: No arguments;
Description: Method that returns the identification number of the user;
Return type: String;
Arguments: No arguments;
Description: Method that returns the name of the user;
Return type: String;
Arguments: No arguments;
Description: Method that returns the username to the user;
Return type: String;
Arguments: No arguments;
Description: Method that returns the email to the user;
Return type: String;
Arguments: No arguments;
Description: Method that returns the password to the user;
Return type: String;
Arguments: No arguments;
Description: Method that returns the birth date of the user;