Design Issues - Shrub74/ProjectGlorious GitHub Wiki

Game Process:

Join Party Find Dungeon (random, chosen, perhaps there are metagame rewards for doing certain dungeons, etc.) Choose Skills (maybe weapon too, undecided) Enter Dungeon Loop

  1. Move
  2. Solve Puzzles/Fight Enemies
  3. Find Loot
  4. New Floor, Harder challenges End Loop Find MacGuffin Earn final rewards (maybe) Repeat


  • How will player death work?
  • Permanent/Impermanent?
  • If players respawn, how?

RPG Elements:

  • Should RPG element be included at all?
  • How deep?
  • Should levelling be included?
  • Should there be a metacharacter system?


  • Should there be equipment or just potions and buffs?
  • Should there be powerful items that change the game?


  • Whether to include use of the mouse?
  • Should there be sub-menus for a skill?
  • How to properly interface for weapon switching and item use?


  • Game should have an element where a higher variety of skills makes a dungeon easier, but a lower variety of skills increases rewards (ie, highest rewards where every player shares a skill set, maybe through a door that only can be bypassed via four lockpickers, etc.)

Dungeon Design