workflow - ShoroukAziz/multiple-examples-per-note GitHub Wiki

The Workflow

in a nutshell:

  1. This addon will go through all the french examples you have ( in your main models and in your french sentence model).
  2. Then, it'll create a sort of two columns table on the first column it'll list every single word it found in those examples and the other column will have the examples in which every word is mentioned
  3. Finally, it will go through all the notes in your main models search the table for each word in each model get the matched examples and adds them to your note. and choose a random example of those examples to be the main example of the note

here's an example : Immagine I only have 8 notes

The first step: the addon will collect all the examples so we'll end up with a list like this

and one of the already full note has a new example