5 4 1 - Shippable/support GitHub Wiki

5.4.1 (9:30pm PST, Sunday, 2nd April 2017)

API Changes

  1. POST clusterNodes/systemNodes: Value of nodeInitScript have changed since we have renamed the scripts used to initialize custom nodes. For new names, refer to https://github.com/Shippable/node/tree/v5.4.1/scripts
  2. GET projects/:id/branchRunStatus: Added a flag activeBranches as a query. Using this flag will return only runs from active branches which are not deleted from SCM.


  1. Custom Name Value Pair integration: Users can now add an integration with one or more key-value pairs they can use for their CI or Pipeline workflows.
  2. Building tags for Gitlab, Bitbucket and Bitbucket Server
  3. Upgrade indicator for custom nodes: We've added an indicator to let you know whenever an update is available to the Shippable Agent running on your custom nodes.
  4. API documentation for clusterNode routes

Bug fixes

  1. Amazon ECS deployments: Deployments failing for AWS_IAM integration.
  2. Default account email: Incorrect default email set for accounts even when personal email exists in account profile.
  3. Builds listing table: Builds listing table commit message truncation logic is inconsistent.
  4. GitHub Enterprise: Manual triggers failing for GitHub Enterprise builds.
  5. Project Filter not working as expected in Subscriptions->Settings->Integrations page
  6. Bitbucket Server: Fix inconsistency in showing project name in dashboard for BitBucket Server
  7. Bitbucket Server: Runs page not displaying
  8. Bitbucket Server: Fixed PR builds and links on Runs page
  9. PHP images: Fixed PHP modules on both images
  10. runSh jobs: Provision node msg not being shown for runSh jobs
  11. Pipeline delete: Show the message about adding a sync repo when no resource, job or runCI is left
  12. Console log: Fixes blank consoles for pipeline jobs in Safari
  13. Console log: Fixes out of sequence console output
  14. CPU usage stats : Fixed CPU usage stats in clusterNodes/systemNodes pages
  15. subscriptions/getS API: Issues with case sensitivity and other related problems.

Steps to Upgrade

  • Pre-installation:

    • Backup the usr/state.json file and the Postgres database (on the core machine)
    • Pull the latest code by running the following:
      • git fetch origin --tags
      • git tag
      • git checkout v5.4.1
    • Run sudo apt-get update on all machines
    • Enable/disable any integrations by adding/removing services in the systemIntegration section of the state.json file
    • Add "allowedSystemImageFamily": "shippable/minv2|drydock/" to systemSettings in state.json
    • Rename ghe/githubenterprise -> githubEnterprise and gheKeys/githubenterpriseKeys -> githubEnterpriseKeys if present in state.json
  • Installation:

    • Run ./base.sh upgrade --version v5.4.1
  • Post installation:

    • Stop the genexec container manually before resetting the systemNodes
    • Reset all system nodes
    • Verify genexec are running the latest version