0xFF0000- |
battle scene text message #s with arguments, all word length, stack, pixel data for tileset 3 |
0xFF1000- |
pixel data for tileset 1 |
0xFF2000- |
pixel data for tileset 4 |
0xFF3000- |
pixel data for tileset 5, battle backgrounds |
0xFF4400- |
obstruction data for current moving character (terrain values for all movable tiles (including targetting)) |
0xFF4D00- |
obstruction data for current moving character (boolean values for all movable tiles (including targetting)) |
0xFF5600- |
possible targets on each map tile during battle (FF if no target) (during targetting only) |
0xFF5F00-0xFF5FFF |
obstruction data for battle map (terrain) |
0xFF6000-0xFF67FF |
0xFF6802 |
pixel data for textbox, pixel data for tileset 2? |
0xFF8806- |
number of targets reachable by spell action |
0xFF8808- |
number of targets reachable by item action |
0xFF880E-0xFF883D |
targets reachable by attack action |
0xFF883E-0xFF886D |
targets reachable by spell action |
0xFF886E-0xFF889D |
targets reachable by item action |
0xFF889E-0xFF88CD |
movement to attack action targets |
0xFF88CE-0xFF88FD |
movement to spell action targets |
0xFF88FE-0xFF892E |
movement to item action targets |
0xFF892E-0xFF895D |
priority of attack action targets |
0xFF895E-0xFF898D |
priority of spell action targets |
0xFF898E-0xFF89BD |
priority of item action targets |
0xFF9004- |
spell icon graphics (when in a status screen) |
0xFF9304- |
item icons (plus jewels of light / evil) in status screen |
0xFF9803 |
whether or not current enemy is currently moving (00 or FF) |
0xFF9804- |
battle entity move string (00-03, direction byte, until FF is found) |
0xFF9B04-0xFFA303 |
animating tiles used on current map |
0xFFA304-0xFFA703 |
some other kind of map tiles... possibly also animated? |
0xFFA804-0xFFA807 |
viewplane A/B x-axis counters |
0xFFA808-0xFFA80B |
viewplane A/B y-axis counters |
0xFFA80C-0xFFA80D |
screen shake intensity |
0xFFA80E-0xFFA80F |
0xFFA810-0xFFA811 |
viewplane A x-axis current offset |
0xFFA812-0xFFA813 |
viewplane A y-axis current offset |
0xFFA814-0xFFA815 |
viewplane B x-axis current offset |
0xFFA816-0xFFA817 |
viewplane B y-axis current offset |
0xFFA818-0xFFA819 |
viewplane A x-axis destination offset |
0xFFA81A-0xFFA81B |
viewplane A y-axis destination offset |
0xFFA81C-0xFFA81D |
viewplane B x-axis destination offset |
0xFFA81E-0xFFA81F |
viewplane B y-axis destination offset |
0xFFA820-0xFFA821 |
viewplane A x-axis scroll speed |
0xFFA822-0xFFA823 |
viewplane A y-axis scroll speed |
0xFFA824-0xFFA825 |
viewplane B x-axis scroll speed |
0xFFA826-0xFFA827 |
viewplane B y-axis scroll speed |
0xFFA828-0xFFA829 |
0xFFA82A |
0xFFA82B |
[Unused] |
0xFFA82C |
target entity of camera |
0xFFA82D |
viewplane update bitmap; goes to 1 very quickly when entering a house (layer disappearing?)... used in csc34_setBlocks |
0xFFA82E-0xFFA849 |
map properties, loaded on map load |
0xFFA84A-0xFFA84F |
current event type and args |
0xFFA84C |
related to how map transitions (eg scroll left/right/up/down) |
0xFFA84D |
new map ID when warping to new map |
0xFFA84E |
starting X position when warping to new map |
0xFFA84F |
starting Y position when warping to new map |
0xFFA850 |
starting facing when warping to new map |
0xFFA851-0xFFA869 |
[Unused] |
0xFFA86A-0xFFA86D |
address of tile animations for current map, or FFFFFFFF if none |
0xFFA86E-0xFFA86F |
counter for map animation |
0xFFA870 |
map to animate |
0xFFA876- |
address of end of window tile information |
0xFFA87E-0xFFA8FD |
current windows information list; entries are 16 bytes (address of tiles, width, height, x, y, from/to animation coords?) |
0xFFA900 |
0xFFA901 |
[Unused] |
0xFFA902-0xFFAF21 |
entity information |
0xFFAF02-0xFFAF21 |
tile cursor entity information |
0xFFAF22- |
controlled entity and followers |
0xFFAF42-0xFFAF43 |
holds which roof hide script we're doing (so we know which to undo); 0 when none |
0xFFAF44-0xFFAF45 |
sprite size |
0xFFAF46 |
map area layer type |
0xFFAF47-0xFFAF66 |
[Unused] (byte for each ally in unused subroutine) |
0xFFAF67 |
number of sprites to load (for death spin/explosion) |
0xFFAF68 |
[Unused] |
0xFFAF69 |
0xFFAF6A |
0xFFAF6B |
index for text window |
text tile offset |
0xFFAF70-0xFFAF71 |
Huffman barrel |
0xFFAF72-0xFFAF73 |
Huffman length |
0xFFAF74 |
decoded symbol |
0xFFAF75 |
[Unused] |
0xFFAF76-0xFFAF79 |
index for combatant ministatus window |
0xFFAF7A-0xFFAF81 |
list of items/spells for diamond-menus |
0xFFAF7A |
area of effect for spells and whatnot (word) |
0xFFAF82-0xFFAF8B |
levelup arguments (HP/MP/ATT/DEF/AGI) |
0xFFAF8C |
current ministatus page |
0xFFAF8D |
[Unused] |
0xFFAF8E |
cursor radius |
0xFFAF8F |
[Unused] |
0xFFAF90-0xFFAF91 |
tile position of moving combatant destination (x, y) |
0xFFAF92 |
[Unused] |
0xFFAF93 |
0xFFAF94-0xFFAF9D |
[Unused] |
0xFFAF9E |
0xFFAF9F |
[Unused] |
64 1-byte slots for entities ??? |
battlescene battlesprite vdp toggle (0/1, 9 32x32 px sprites) |
battlescene weaponsprite vdp toggle (0/1, 4 32x32 px sprites) |
battlescene groundsprite vdp toggle (0/1, 3 32x32 px sprites) |
[Unused] |
0xFFAFE7 |
current diamenu choice (0-3) |
[Unused] |
text counter (decrements every symbol) (0 is speech sound/1 is muted) |
[Unused] |
holds number of entries for blink animation |
0xFFB000-0xFFB03B |
blink animation data (x pos, y pos, new tile index (2 bytes), 15 entries) |
0xFFB03C-0xFFB03D |
holds counter for portrait blink (blinks when 0 and resets) |
0xFFB03E-0xFFB03F |
holds number of entries for speech animation |
0xFFB040-0xFFB07B |
speech animation data (x pos, y pos, new tile index (2 bytes), 15 entries) |
0xFFB07C-0xFFB07D |
counter of some sort relating to portrait only ??? |
0xFFB07E-0xFFB07F |
portrait vdp tile bitfield |
0xFFB080 |
state of portrait window (0-3: static, blink+mouth, blink, mouth?) |
0xFFB080-0xFFB081 |
index for portrait window |
0xFFB082 |
toggle to prevent portrait animation (0 stop animation) |
0xFFB083 |
state of mouth (0 is old/1 is new tiles) |
0xFFB084 |
state of portrait animation mirroring |
0xFFB085 |
state of portrait location |
0xFFB086-0xFFB087 |
index for gold window |
0xFFB088-0xFFB089 |
index for land effect window |
0xFFB08A-0xFFB08B |
index for timer window |
0xFFB08C-0xFFB08D |
index for name window |
0xFFB08E-0xFFB08F |
battle actor x-axis offset |
0xFFB090-0xFFB091 |
battle actor y-axis offset |
0xFFB092-0xFFB093 |
battle target x-axis offset |
0xFFB094-0xFFB095 |
battle target y-axis offset |
0xFFB096-0xFFB097 |
width of ministatus window |
0xFFB098-0xFFB099 |
walking sound ($4F normally, $63 if Chirrup, $00 outside battle) |
0xFFB09A-0xFFB09B |
index for save slot |
0xFFB09C-0xFFB09D |
speech sound |
0xFFB09E-0xFFB09F |
speech sound copy |
0xFFB0A0-0xFFB0A1 |
currently used portrait |
0xFFB0A2 |
[Unused] |
0xFFB0A3 |
0xFFB0A4-0xFFB0A5 |
ROM checksum |
0xFFB0A6-0xFFB0A7 |
[Unused] |
0xFFB0A8 |
special turbo; $00 (not set) or $FF (set) |
0xFFB0A9 |
debug mode code; $00 (not entered) or $FF (entered) |
0xFFB0AA |
control opponent; $00 (not set) or $FF (set) |
0xFFB0AB |
auto battle; $00 (not set) or $FF (set) |
0xFFB0AC |
cheat mode config code; $00 (not entered) or $FF (entered) |
0xFFB0AD |
map properties - music to play |
0xFFB0AE-0xFFB12D |
multipurpose index list (items in shop, members in force (all/join/purge), etc) |
0xFFB12E-0xFFB12F |
number of entries in multipurpose list |
0xFFB130-0xFFB131 |
current page of items (shop or caravan) |
0xFFB132-0xFFB133 |
current item on page (relative) |
0xFFB134-0xFFB135 |
number of items on page |
0xFFB136-0xFFB137 |
first memberlist entry displayed (absolute, refers to first entry) |
0xFFB138-0xFFB139 |
selected memberlist entry (relative) |
0xFFB13A-0xFFB13B |
selected item index |
0xFFB13C |
0xFFB13D |
current memberlist page |
0xFFB13E |
[Unused] |
0xFFB13F |
textbox state ??? (1 normally, 2 when animating in or out, 3 when displayed) |
0xFFB140-0xFFB15F |
combatant entity index for allies |
0xFFB160-0xFFB17F |
combatant entity index for enemies |
0xFFB160-0xFFB17F |
exploration entity indexes |
0xFFB16F |
combatant entity index for "Jar" |
0xFFB180-0xFFB181 |
chest contents |
0xFFB182-0xFFB187 |
[Unused] |
0xFFB188 |
battlescene music; 02=unpro, 03=promo, 05=enemy, 06=boss, 07=zeon |
0xFFB189 |
[Unused] |
0xFFB18A-0xFFB18B |
currently moving battle entity |
0xFFB18C-0xFFB18D |
currently moving battle entity's selected spell/item index |
0xFFB18E-0xFFB18F |
0xFFB190-0xFFB193 |
[Unused] |
0xFFB194-0xFFB195 |
camera movement speed |
0xFFB196-0xFFB197 |
step counter (for random battles) |
0xFFB198 |
0xFFB199 |
0xFFB19A |
whether or not camera has to move (00 or FF) |
0xFFB19B |
[Unused] |
0xFFB19C-0xFFB19F |
address offset for after intro |
0xFFB1A0-0xFFB1A3 |
entity walking param |
0xFFB1A4-0xFFB1A7 |
0xFFB1A8-0xFFB1A9 |
warp sound |
pointer for config mode or credits |
0xFFB1AC |
stores enemy targetting AI command for each monster |
0xFFB1DC |
stores movement AI command for each monster |
0xFFB20C-0xFFB20D |
battle region activation bitfield |
0xFFB20E-0xFFB3BF |
[Unused] |
0xFFB3C0-0xFFB3C3 |
0xFFB3C4-0xFFB3C5 |
0xFFB3C6-0xFFB3C9 |
frame counter for battle scene |
entity # of current monster in battle scene |
0xFFB3D0-0xFFB3D1 |
battle sprite # of current monster in battle scene |
0xFFB3D2-0xFFB3D3 |
battle sprite palette # of current monster in battle scene |
0xFFB3D4-0xFFB3D5 |
entity # of current character in battle scene |
0xFFB3D6-0xFFB3D7 |
battle sprite # of current character in battle scene |
0xFFB3D8-0xFFB3D9 |
battle sprite palette # of current character in battle scene |
battle sprite # of current character's equipped weapon in battle scene |
battle sprite palette # of current character's equipped weapon in battle scene |
enemy battle sprite animation speed |
0xFFB3E0-0xFFB3E1 |
enemy battle sprite animation speed counter |
0xFFB3E2-0xFFB3E3 |
ally battle sprite animation speed |
0xFFB3E4-0xFFB3E5 |
ally battle sprite animation speed counter |
0xFFB3E6-0xFFB3E7 |
enemy battle sprite animation # |
0xFFB3E8-0xFFB3E9 |
ally battle sprite animation # |
battlescene enemy X offset |
0xFFB3F0-0xFFB3F1 |
battlescene enemy Y offset |
0xFFB3F2-0xFFB3F3 |
battlescene ally X offset |
0xFFB3F4-0xFFB3F5 |
battlescene ally Y offset |
0xFFB3F6-0xFFB3F7 |
battlescene enemy X speed |
0xFFB3F8-0xFFB3F9 |
battlescene enemy Y speed |
battlescene ally X speed |
battlescene ally Y speed |
0xFFB400-0xFFB401 |
copy of entity # of current character in battle scene |
0xFFB402-0xFFB403 |
number of combatants killed during turn |
0xFFB404-0xFFB405 |
0xFFB406-0xFFB531 |
variables for current spell animation code |
0xFFB41E-0xFFB49D |
0xFFB496-0xFFB515 |
0xFFB532-0xFFB541 |
0xFFB536-0xFFB539 |
0xFFB53A-0xFFB53B |
0xFFB542-0xFFB561 |
battlescene background palette |
0xFFB562-0xFFB565 |
0xFFB56A |
potency of screen shake ??? |
0xFFB56C-0xFFB56D |
battle sprite to make idle (1 = ally, 2 = enemy) |
0xFFB56D |
bitflags for battle sprite (1 = enemy battle sprite change frames) |
0xFFB570 |
weapon frame # |
0xFFB571 |
weapon frame priority layer |
0xFFB572 |
weapon x-axis offset |
0xFFB573 |
weapon y-axis offset |
0xFFB574-0xFFB575 |
weapon idle frame # |
0xFFB576 |
weapon idle frame 1 x-axis offset |
0xFFB577 |
weapon idle frame 1 y-axis offset |
0xFFB578 |
weapon idle frame 2 x-axis offset |
0xFFB579 |
weapon idle frame 2 y-axis offset |
0xFFB57A |
ally battle sprite status X offset |
0xFFB57B |
ally battle sprite status y offset |
0xFFB57C |
enemy battle sprite status x offset |
0xFFB57D |
enemy battle sprite status y offset |
0xFFB57E |
battlescene ally status animation # |
0xFFB57F |
battlescene enemy status animation # |
0xFFB582 |
which battle background we're currently using |
0xFFB584 |
something to do with spell animation (current frame idx) ??? |
0xFFB586 |
spell mirroring bit |
0xFFB587 |
current spell animation # |
0xFFB58A |
list of combatants killed during turn |
0xFFB5AA-0xFFB629 |
[Unused] |
0xFFB62A-0xFFB62B |
gold gained from previous battle action (2 bytes) |
0xFFB62C-0xFFB62D |
experience gained from previous battle action (2 bytes) |
0xFFB62E-0xFFB62F |
current battle action type; 00=attack, 01=magic, 02=item, 03=stay, 04=explode, 05=muddle, 06=laser |
0xFFB630-0xFFB631 |
selected item/spell number for use |
0xFFB632-0xFFB633 |
copy of selected item/spell # for use |
0xFFB634-0xFFB635 |
selected item slot to use (00 through 03) |
0xFFB636-0xFFB637 |
related to double/counter .... 00 = normal attack, 01 = double attack, 02 = counter attack |
0xFFB638-0xFFB639 |
current spell index in battle, for name/effect |
0xFFB63A-0xFFB63B |
current spell level in battle, for name/effect |
0xFFB63C-0xFFB63D |
current item index in battle, for name/effect |
0xFFB63E-0xFFB63F |
number of targets reachable by current action from current position |
0xFFB640-0xFFB641 |
number of current battle party members (1 to 12) |
0xFFB642-0xFFB643 |
number of current reserve members (0 to 29) |
0xFFB646-0xFFB647 |
holds current script number |
0xFFB648 |
0xFFB64A |
index of first ally in current battle (FF if none) |
0xFFB64B |
index of last ally in current battle (FF if none) |
0xFFB64C |
index of first enemy in current battle (FF if none) |
0xFFB64D |
index of last enemy in current battle (FF if none) |
0xFFB64E |
index of current attacker in battle |
0xFFB64F |
copy of index of current attacker in battle |
0xFFB651 |
relative axis when speaking with NPC |
0xFFB652-0xFFB681 |
indexes of currently available targets in battle / chosen targets during skirmish |
0xFFB682-0xFFB68D |
indexes of current battle party members (12 slots, 1 byte each) |
0xFFB68E-0xFFB6A1 |
indexes of current reserve members |
0xFFB6A2-0xFFB6C1 |
indexes of current enemies |
0xFFB6C2-0xFFB6D1 |
terrain cost list for current unit, straight from ROM |
0xFFB6D2 |
current shop index |
0xFFB6D4 |
variable containing x position of text, for wrapping |
0xFFB6D5 |
variable containing y position of text (in lines) |
0xFFB6D6 |
palette index for text color (01 of palette 3) |
0xFFB6D7 |
length of current Huffman string (bytes) |
0xFFB6E8-0xFFB6ED |
indexes used for text (2 bytes each entry) (used for name/class/item/spell/etc) |
0xFFB6F0- |
dialogue string to print |
0xFFB776-0xFFB779 |
contains current number loaded for printing |
0xFFB778-0xFFB779 |
current item price |
0xFFB77E |
address of current Huffman-encoded script byte |
0xFFB786-0xFFB795 |
list of equippable items (4 bytes each entry) (2 bytes item index/2 bytes slot #) |
0xFFB800-0xFFB8A0 |
portrait art data in memory, references to tiles |
0xFFB8A0-0xFFBA80 |
textbox art data in memory, references to tiles |
0xFFD000-0xFFD01F |
palette 1 (16 colors)(2 bytes each color, 0BGR) |
0xFFD020-0xFFD03F |
palette 2 (16 colors)(2 bytes each color, 0BGR) |
0xFFD040-0xFFD05F |
palette 3 (16 colors)(2 bytes each color, 0BGR) |
0xFFD060-0xFFD07F |
palette 4 (16 colors)(2 bytes each color, 0BGR) |
0xFFD080-0xFFD09F |
copy of palette 1 (ally battle sprites, current map) |
0xFFD0A0-0xFFD0BF |
copy of palette 2 (portraits, witch screen bubble, enemy battle sprites, pulsing range) |
0xFFD0C0-0xFFD0DF |
copy of palette 3 (U/I sprites, ground sprite, spell graphics) |
0xFFD0E0-0xFFD0FF |
copy of palette 4 (special sprite, background) |
0xFFD100-0xFFD4FF |
horizontal scroll data |
0xFFD500-0xFFD54F |
vertical scroll data |
0xFFDC80-0xFFDE7F |
sprite table (64 entries of 8 bytes) (1-9 ally battle sprite, 10-13 ally weapon sprite, 14-16 ground sprite, 8-12 menu cursor, 8-15 battle cursor, 38-59 spell graphics, 60-63 battle special sprite, 46-54 exploration special sprite, 20-28 summon battle sprite |
0xFFDE80-0xFFDE89 |
loaded number |
0xFFDE8A-0xFFDE93 |
[Unused] |
0xFFDE97 |
player 1 button group A (80=Start, 40=A, 20=C, 10=B, 8=Right, 4=Left, 2=Down, 1=Up) |
0xFFDE98 |
player 1 button group B (80=Start, 40=A, 20=C, 10=B, 8=Mode, 4=X, 2=Y, 1=Z) |
0xFFDE99 |
player 2 button group A (80=Start, 40=A, 20=C, 10=B, 8=Right, 4=Left, 2=Down, 1=Up) |
0xFFDE9A |
player 2 button group B (80=Start, 40=A, 20=C, 10=B, 8=Mode, 4=X, 2=Y, 1=Z) |
0xFFDE9B |
current player (= player 1 button group A by default) |
0xFFDE9C |
first direction moved (same as above) if still moving (or holding move buttons) |
0xFFDEA0 |
frame counter |
value for "randomizing" |
vdp register status/value (16 pairs) |
[Unused] |
vdp command queue pointer |
dma queue pointer |
sound command queue |
0xFFDEE0 |
number of songs in stack |
0xFFDEE1 |
current song playing |
previous songs |
last player input |
input repeat delayer |
[Unused] |
related to various screen effects (fade, flash, tint) and their speed |
0xFFDEF7 |
0xFFDEF8 |
what kind of action we're currently doing |
0xFFDEF9 |
frames of current second in battle; increments 0xFFDF1E when hits 60 |
pointers to vint funtions |
0xFFDF1E-0xFFDF21 |
current battle time (in seconds; 1 sec = 60 frames) |
0xFFDF22-0xFFDF25 |
special battle time (in seconds) |
copy of palettes 1-4 |
fading timer |
"random" value for determining AI/hit chance?? |
0xFFE000-0xFFE7FF |
0xFFE800-0xFFEEFF |
character data (32 character slots, 56 bytes each) |
0xFFEF00-0xFFF5FF |
monster data loaded from current battle (32 monster slots, 56 bytes each) |
0xFFF600-0xFFF603 |
current force gold (4 bytes) |
0xFFF604-0xFFF643 |
items in deals (128 slots, 4 bits each, item index is location, number of that item index is entry (up to 15 (=F)) |
0xFFF644 |
number of items in caravan |
0xFFF646-0xFFF685 |
item indexes in caravan (64 slots, 1 byte each, 7F=no item) |
0xFFF686-0xFFF705 |
game flags (1024 slots, 1 bit each, set=1, not set=0) |
0xFFF706 |
camera lock x1 |
0xFFF707 |
camera lock y1 |
0xFFF708 |
camera lock x2 |
0xFFF709 |
camera lock y2 |
0xFFF710 |
current player type (00=Bowie, 01=caravan, 02=raft) |
0xFFF711 |
current map |
0xFFF712 |
current battle |
0xFFF713 |
current map raft is on |
0xFFF714 |
raft X coord |
0xFFF715 |
raft Y coord |
0xFFF717 |
battle message speed (00=slow, 01=medium slow, 02=medium fast, 03=fast) |
0xFFF718 |
battle messages toggle (00=on, 01=off) |
0xFFF719 |
current map to egress to |
0xFFF71A-0xFFF799 |
current turn order 2 byte pairs (index, altered agility score) |
0xFFF79A |
current turn index * 2 (or current byte of F71A) |
0xFFF79C |
saved battle time (mid battle; in seconds) |
0xFFF7A0 |
special battle record (359999 seconds = 99 hours 59 min 59 sec at the game start) |
0xFFF7A4-0xFFF7A7 |
enemy item dropped flags (32 slots, 1 bit each, set=1, not set=0) |
0xFFF7A8-0xFFF7AF |
currently ordered mithril weapons at the blacksmith (4 slots, 2 bytes each) |
0xFFFF38 |
holds which script line index we're currently using |