Map Entity - ShiningForceCentral/SF2DISASM GitHub Wiki

FFA902      starting index for entity information

Entity format

00-01       X position
02-03       Y position
04-05       X velocity
06-07       Y velocity
08-09       X offset
0A-0B       Y offset
0C-0D       X destination (X pos + (X pos * X offset))
0E-0F       Y destination (Y pos + (Y vel * Y offset))
10          facing (00=right, 01=up, 02=left, 03=down)
11          size?
12          entity number
13          sprite number
14-17       address of current command script
18-19       ??? (seems to be 1010 or 0000)
1A          ???
1B          ???
1C          horizontal speed ???
1D          vertical speed ???
1E          animation counter (for sprite's feet movement thing)
1F          timer for next movescript read