Temperature probe - ShikOfTheRa/scarab-osd GitHub Wiki

MWOSD now supports a directly connected hardware temperature sensor - LM35

Configuring MWOSD - non Mavlink users

By default the temperature support is enabled in MWOSD from 1.8.2 onwards.

Configuring MWOSD - Mavlink/Ardupilot/PX4

  • MAvlink provides temperature within its data stream from the FC.
  • If this is not a sensor reading required, a directly conencted LM35 can be used.
  • To enable this, a custom install with Arduino is required.
  • #define USE_TEMPERATURE_SENSOR will need to be enabled in config.h
  • #define TEMPERATUREMAX 50 sets a Temperature warning value of 50


  • Calibration values need to be adjusted. Dafaults are approx values.
  • Typically require to set value to 0.
  • Adjust "AUX zero calibration" to get correct calibrated temperature.
  • 931 should be starting value if using a 1.1v reference voltage.
  • 204 should be starting value if using a 5v reference voltage.

Hardware Connection

  • Connect the LM35 as per the diagram at the following links:
  • Generic connection diagram
  • AeroMax OSD
  • The default "Aux" pin is A1 - or Amperage pin on the minim OSD hardware.
  • For Aeromax OSD hardware the Aux pin is A6 leaving Amperage pin free.