Steele PDB for KISS - ShikOfTheRa/scarab-osd GitHub Wiki
Installing MWOSD onto your SteelePDB
- Connect OSD via USB and install any drivers necessary
- Ensure port 2 is disconnected from KISS FC and a battery is connected
- Download Xloader STEELEPDB.ZIP pack and extract to a folder
- Run Xloader
- Select device = Uno (ATMEGA328)
- Select firmware = steelepdb.kiss.standard or gps
- Select correct com port
- Click Upload
Configuring MWOSD
- Purchase and download the PC APP. It is small amount to cover costs (£1.99).
- Select correct com port and baud rate
- Default baud is 115200.
- Connect and amend settings as you require.
- MANDATORY - OSD will require fonts to be uploaded from GUI. (FONT: Upload button)
Software links
- MWOSD source code for custom installs is available here
- MWOSD GUI configurator is available here
- SteelePDB XLOADER available here
Custom installation guide
SPECIAL SteelPDB NOTE: if using custome installation method Arduino IDE should be configured from tools menu as follows:
- Board = Guniono / Uno
- Processor = Atmega328((5v,16 MHz)
- Port = COMX that matches your USB connection to the OSD hardware
Software links
- Not all features are available for all FC or GPS users.