Calibration - ShikOfTheRa/scarab-osd GitHub Wiki

Calibration - general

A calculator for APPROXIMATE calibration values is available here

Calibration - Voltage

NOTE: if use Flight Controller voltage, then ALL adjustments are made on the FC. The following does not apply.

Main or video voltage connected directly to OSD

  1. If > 4s enable "5v analog ref"
  2. If using analog RSSI direct to OSD, enable "5v analog ref"
  3. If using current sensor direct to OSD, enable "5v analog ref"
  4. If "Enable ADC 5v ref" is changed, save settings
  5. With a voltage meter, change "Voltage adjust" and save until the voltage on the OSD matches the meter
  6. Repeat for video if appropriate

Save settings Click "WRITE" to save settings to OSD

Calibration - Current

NOTE: if use a hardware sensor connected to the Flight Controller, then ALL adjustments are made on the FC. The following does not apply.

Hardware current sensor - from a datasheet

  1. To be added

Hardware current sensor - with a current meter

  1. Select "5v analog ref"
  2. If "5v analog ref" is changed, save settings
  3. Starting at zero, increase "Zero adjust" to display correct Amps at motors off
  4. Starting at max, decrease "Amps adjust" to display correct Amps at mid - high throttle setting
  5. Repeat previous 2 steps for improved accuracy

Software current sensor - with a current meter

  1. Starting at zero, increase "Zero adjust" to display correct Amps at motors off
  2. Starting at max, decrease "Amps adjust" to display correct Amps at approx hover

Software current sensor alternative method - with a battery charger

  1. Change "Zero adjust" to display correct Amps at motors off - suggest 0.3 to start
  2. Change "Amps adjust" to display "approx" correct Amps at mid throttle ( try bat capacity*8 where capacity is in Ah )
  3. Fly a complete battery and note the total mah used on the OSD and put back into the battery by your charger
  4. The correct amp adjust = old amp adjust * charger mah used / OSD mah used

Use flight controller method - Current sensor connected directly to flight controller

  1. Select Use Flight Controller Amperage
  2. Save settings - Click "WRITE" to save settings to OSD
  3. Calibrate current sensor according to flight controller firmware documentation. (ie. Betaflight/iNav) NOTE: If using a hardware sensor connected to the Flight Controller, then ALL adjustments beyond the defaults shown above are made on the FC.

Save settings Click "WRITE" to save settings to OSD

Calibration - RSSI

  1. If using analogue RSSI on the OSD select "5v analog ref"
  2. If "Enable ADC 5v ref" is changed, save and restart the OSD

Via OSD menu

  1. With TX approx 2-3 m from the RX, select calibrate RSSI from OSD menu
  2. When timer reaches 10, turn the tx off and wait until the timer finishes counting down before turning back on
  3. Save settings
  4. Minor adjustments can be made on the GUI if necessary


  1. With TX off, adjust RSSI Min to match value read from OSD and save
  2. With TX on, adjust RSSI Min to match value read from OSD and save
  3. Remember to "WRITE" to save to OSD

Save settings Click "WRITE" to save settings to OSD

Calibration - FC MAG sensor

Some flight controllers (FC) (iNav/Betaflight/Cleanflight/Baseflight/MultiWii are confirmed) support mag calibration from the build-in OSD menu.Your FC Wiki will provide further information. Other FC's running MSP protocol such as librepilot may not support Mag calibration from the OSD menu.

  1. Select MAG calibration from within the built-in OSD menu
  2. Move rotate the FC in all directions as per instructions from your particular FC wiki / support pages
  3. The timer length on the OSD is based upon the original calibration time for MultiWii FC.
  4. Other FC may finish the calibration process within a different timescale.
  5. On some FC, the led indicates the status of FC calibration.
  6. The OSD just sends the calibration initiation command - there is no save required from OSD at the end - the FC completes that step.