Audio Vario - ShikOfTheRa/scarab-osd GitHub Wiki

GPS / FC BARO / KapateinKuk Audio Vario

An Audio Vario can be added to the OSD by connecting a simple circuit to one of the pins and coupling it up to one of the pins such as RSSI or a dedicated pin for AEROMAX OSD users..

As this is rarely used functionality, to add this will require some work:

Step 1 - Building software and installing onto the OSD:

  • Review Audio Vario / climbrate Settings section in config.h for enabling and user configurable settings
  • Enable only one of the following-
    • AUDIOVARIO - no additional hardware. Uses FC BARO or GPS. Typically 2 updates per second for FC. 10 for GPS
    • KKAUDIOVARIO - which uses an I2C MS5611 pressure sensor connected to OSD hardware. Very fast and accurate. 50 updates per second
  • Uploading to the OSD using Arduino

Step 2 - Configuring the vario to operate

  • Display Vario must be enabled in the “Display” tab of the GUI configurator if AUDIOVARIOSWITCH enabled in config
  • The vario will now sound when a screen is enabled that shows the visual vario
  • and only when the throttle is below the threshold in GUI (1.8 onwards).

Step 3 Hardware

  • Any unused digital output pin can be used. This can then be connected directly to the VTX audio input via a Resistor / * Capacitor setup as suggested below.
  • The capacitor may not be required. It is dependent upon the input of the VTX.
  • Aeromax OSD hardware has a digital pin especially for this.

MWOSD audio vario circuit