Face - Shepphard/Rubics GitHub Wiki

Face.h and Face.cpp The class Face gives you the possibility to line up 9 _Tile_s to form one Face of a Rubics Cube. It also contains methods to rotate the Faces and a getter and setter to manipulate the single Tiles.


class Face
    Tile* f_tiles;
    //Constructors and Destructor
    Face(int color = -1);
    Face(const Face& f);

    //Face Rotation
    void rotateRight();
    void rotateLeft();
    //Get Tile and Set Tile Color at specific row and col
    int getTileColor(int index) const;
    void setTileColor(int index, int color);


// Create a uniform Face with same color.
Face::Face(int color)
    f_tiles = new Tile[9];
    for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++)

The above Method is the standard constructor. It creates an array of 9 Tiles in f_tiles. It then sets the color of each tile given by the argument in the constructors header.

//Copy Constructor
Face::Face(const Face& f)
    f_tiles = new Tile[9];
    for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++)

This copy Constructor creates a deep copy of one object, so tat the same object isn't referenced.

// Destructor
    delete [] f_tiles;

The destructor cleans up the memory taken by f_tiles.

// Rotate whole face by -90°
void Face::rotateRight()
    //Make temporary copy of the face
    Face* temp = new Face(*this);
    //Perform the changes
    this->setTileColor(0, temp->getTileColor(6));
    this->setTileColor(1, temp->getTileColor(3));
    this->setTileColor(2, temp->getTileColor(0));
    this->setTileColor(3, temp->getTileColor(7));
    this->setTileColor(4, temp->getTileColor(4));
    this->setTileColor(5, temp->getTileColor(1));
    this->setTileColor(6, temp->getTileColor(8));
    this->setTileColor(7, temp->getTileColor(5));
    this->setTileColor(8, temp->getTileColor(2));
    delete temp;

//Rotate face by 90°
void Face::rotateLeft()
    //Make temporary copy of the Face
    Face* temp = new Face(*this);
    //Perform the changes
    this->setTileColor(0, temp->getTileColor(2));
    this->setTileColor(1, temp->getTileColor(5));
    this->setTileColor(2, temp->getTileColor(8));
    this->setTileColor(3, temp->getTileColor(1));
    this->setTileColor(4, temp->getTileColor(4));
    this->setTileColor(5, temp->getTileColor(7));
    this->setTileColor(6, temp->getTileColor(0));
    this->setTileColor(7, temp->getTileColor(3));
    this->setTileColor(8, temp->getTileColor(6));
    delete temp;

int Face::getTileColor(int index) const
    return f_tiles[index].getColor();

void Face::setTileColor(int index, int color)

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