Progress report Locations - ShelinaGobardhan/FOTD-Portfolio- GitHub Wiki

The last element to be compared was ‘locations’. Five important locations were chosen: Azkaban, Hogsmeade, Hogwarts, Shrieking Shack and Whomping Willow. In running the code there occurred no big problems, except one complication. Two of the locations consisted of two words, namely Shrieking Shack and Whomping Willow. It wasn’t possible to get this words resulted next to each other, because the words frequency list order the words under neat each other.

cat azkabanbook.txt | tr -sc '[A-Z][a-z]' '[\012*]' | sort | uniq -c | awk '{print $2 "\t" $1}' >       azkabanbook.word_freq.csv

cat azkabanscript.txt | tr -sc '[A-Z][a-z]' '[\012*]' | sort | uniq -c | awk '{print $2 "\t" $1}' > azkabanscript.word_freq.csv

join booklocations.csv scriptlocations.csv| column -t

Azkaban 47 11

Hogsmeade 62 4

Hogwarts 92 13

Shack 10 3

Shrieking 10 3

Whomping 15 12

Willow 23 14

Shrieking and Shack are both equally represented in the book and the script. Whomping and Willow are not, but after some close reading ‘willow’ is more mentioned, simply because they are talking about a willow or the book describes a location with the word willow. That’s why the results of the last two locations are interpreted only from the first words:

Shrieking Shack 10 3

Whomping Willow 15 12

With the interpretation of all the locations we were wondering what this could tell us about the balance between the locations in the book and the scene locations in the movie. The interpretation is that the locations appear many more times in the book then in the script. Only we forgot one practical issue. Of course the locations are less mentioned in the script, because the movie shows the images of the locations and the writer has to describe it with words. In order to answer the main question: ‘How do movies adapted from books differ from the book itself?’ A more closer look at the text for a qualitative analysis is necessary.

For a closer look at the texts the following codes were used for each word:

grep "Azkaban" azkabanbook.txt

grep "Azkaban" azkabanscript.txt

The codes for all the words can be found under ‘Code locations comparison’ and the codes with the results can be found under ‘Code locations qualitative analysis’.

Qualitative analysis

Azkaban is mentioned a lot of times in the book, but the location is never a scene. It’s only mentioned in the conversations of the characters. In the movie Azkaban is mentioned way less by the characters, but the location as a scene appears two times. The first when you see Sirius Black in the newspaper with his prison behind him and the second time when Black explains how he has escaped from it by transforming into a dog.

Also Hogsmeade is mentioned a lot more in the book, but Hogsmeade is only two times a scene in the book which is the same amount of time Hogsmeade is a scene in the movie. The same counts for Shrieking Shack. Both in the book as in the script Shrieking shack is only two times a scene location. `

Hogwarts is mentioned the most of all the locations (92 times). Although, in the script Hogwarts is mentioned extremely little. But everybody who has seen the movie knows, that Hogwarts is the most shown scene location in the movie.

Finally, the location of Whomping Willow is mentioned almost as much as in the book as in the movie. In both texts Whomping Willow is most mentioned as a back ground description and both in the book and in the movie Whomping Willow appears two times as an actual scene location.

Locations in direct speech

To analyse the locations of this story more closely we want to look at how these place names are mentioned in the direct speech of the characters in the book, so we can make a better conclusion about the use of the locations. We choose the locations: Hogsmeade, Shrieking Shack and Whoomping Willow, because 'Azkaban' is only mentioned in the book and never a real locations and 'Hogwarts' is the biggest location, so this won't tell anything special. Obviously Harry is speaking most of the times, so we run a code that combines the the character Harry and the three locations.

These are the codes we tried to run before we found the right one:

grep -w 'Harry\|Hogsmeade' azkabanbook.txt

grep -w "'Harry\|Hogsmeade'" azkabanbook.txt

grep "'Harry\|Hogsmeade'" azkabanbook.txt

grep -w '"Harry\|Hogsmeade\"' azkabanbook.txt

grep -w '"Harry|Hogsmeade\"' azkabanbook.txt

First we used –w, because this is supposed to combine the words you’re looking for. This didn’t work, because this code just gave us all the lines that contained ‘Harry’. Then we thought the problem was either the quotes or the position of the slash. But actually the problem was the ‘-w’ and the ‘|’. So with the following code we found lines containing both the words of the character and the location. The results are visible under the file 'Character comparison; qualitative analysis'.

grep 'Harry' azkabanbook.txt | grep 'Hogsmeade'

grep 'Harry' azkabanbook.txt | grep 'Shrieking Shack'

grep 'Harry' azkabanbook.txt | grep 'Whomping Willow'

Interpretation results

The lines in which Harry and Hogsmeade are both mentioned tells us more about how Harry talks about Hogsmeade. In the beginning of the book Harry mentions Hogsmeade, because he wants to get permission to visit the wizards village or he is secretly finding a way to visit. Secondly he mentions it, because he hears everybody else talk about the village which makes him jealous. And lastly Harry mentioned Hogsmeade because he is actually there.

The second location ‘Shrieking Shack’ is not mentioned by Harry himself, but by other people who talk about Harry and Shrieking Shack in on line. The first time when Percy mentions that Hogsmeade is not a big deal to visit, except for a ghostly visit to Shrieking Shack. Secondly when Hermione mentions that she and Harry are in Shrieking Shack after they followed Ron and the black dog under the Whomping Willow and thirdly because professor Lupin gives back Harry’s invisibility cloak and Marauder’s map which he found in Shrieking Shack.

Also with the third location Harry only one mentioned the ‘Whomping Willow’ himself when he and Hermoine want to rescue Sirius and Buckbeack. The other times the Whomping Willow is mentioned by Ron when Harry’s broomstick is destroyed by it. By Fred and George when they are explaining the Marauder’s map to him and lastly when Professor Lupin explains that the Whomping Willow was planted for him so he could transform to a werewolf where nobody would follow him.


The first conclusion made for the preliminary portfolio was that there is no big difference between the locations in the book and in the movie. We even concluded that the movie didn’t differ a lot from the book, it even added to the imagination of the readers by showing images of the wonderful world of Hogwarts.

Does the second analyses with finding lines where ‘Harry’ and one of the three locations are both mentioned add anything to this conclusion? For the analyses of the book it does, because we can see that the important locations are not only mentioned by Harry, but also by a lot of other characters, so there is a lot of interaction with the important elements of the story. For the comparison of the book with script it doesn’t give any more information, because the codes didn’t give any results for the movie script, probably because the script doesn’t have quotes.

So we conclude that there is still no big difference between the locations in the book and in the movie.