Time Line - Sheldon-Lloyd/Cyber.Beast GitHub Wiki

The planet doesn't have animals at least that is what they first thought. These the case up until craters started appearing on the. One day strange beast began to arise from the crater venturing in the cities. They could only be seen cybervators who feared them and called them Cyber.Beast. The citizens however could not see them think that its was all in the heads of the cybervators and were stigmatized because of this.

Eventually these "imagined" Cyber.Beast began materializing wreaking havoc at times even destroying entire cities. They were unstoppable and would only stop during eclipses.

Eventually they began to see a pattern to these events

The first thing they noticed was that Cyber.Beast would never appear when their was no light. Cybervators claimed they all had the same reaccruing dream of be chased by cyber.beast. The same one that will eventually appear the day before it appears the same cybervator eatin in a dream would be eaten in real life. relatives eaten be a Cyber.Beast. The next day they were gone eaten by the Cyber.beast.

This eventually gave cybervators a little more respect as they used them to predict when cyber.beast would attack

However this respect was short live as they soon learned the Cyber.Beast seemed to be attracted to the Cybervators. Where ever their were cybervators cyber.beast was sure to follow. Then came the day they say a cybervator turn into a Cyber.Beast before their eyes. This promopt the citzens of the red and black nations to demanded all Cybervators be placed in the crater that cyber.beast came from.

For years the cybervators suffered died and perished down in these craters. That was until they eventually turned on each other. In order to survive They began selectively sacrificing one sibling of families. The Cybervators would place them in the deepest most central parts of the craters.

The Blue nation however created a technology they called a limiter to prevent them from turning into cyber.beast. They sold it to the other nations but it was to late for the black nation. This Event sparked a civil war in the Black nation among the Cybervators and citizens.

The white nation takes it upon their self to aid the Black cybervators to save them from oppression. They trained and gave them with weapons that they purchased from the green nation but supplied by the Blue Nation. The Red nation recognizes that the weapons are coming from the Blue nation and they decide to help the Black nation sending their troops. With the rebels now being at a disadvantage goes all in.

The green nation stops suppling the White nation instead giving the Blue nations weapons to the red nation and manipulates the red nation into attacking the Blue nation. This sparks a full world war as The Blue nation attack the Green nation as they no that it is their fault all the while defending their self against the red nation.

The Blue nation knows that they will lose the war if they don't come up with a way to turn the tides. Taking into account the cyber.beast attacks the Blue nation decides to help the white nation.

With the White country freeing Cybervators, they created an unintended consequence. Freeing cybervators also meant letting lose the cyber.beast

The Blue country thought of a brilliant strategy turn turn the tides of the war by using cyber.beast.

The plan ― harness the cyber.beast by placing them in the cybervators. This had to be done before they hit puberty and it had 99.9% failure rate and if the pairing doesn't work the cybervator will die.

They don't want to sacrifice their own Cybervators so they secretly use the cybervators of the red and black nations. Among their people they disguised it as freeing cybervators from oppression. when it was quit the opposite. Thousand's of them died before they finally created the first Cybervator Bursun who almost single handily takes down the black nation.

This power allowed Bursun and the rest of the cybervators to not only gain freedom, but to become the new elites and leaders of a new world order.

Years after the wars the world has united into a borderless world devoid of conflict. What is left of the war is BluNet and ReNet to companies who's roots come from the blue and red nations.

Year Zero

The first cyber.beast is tamed

Bursun tames the first cyber.beast followed by Yaharia

Year TBD

CNS Established

the CNS sports league is created