MVP List - Shelchamp/RumTumTugger GitHub Wiki
RumTumTugger is a Tumblr clone that allows users to create and like posts with text and images in the body. Posts show up in a feed on the user's dashboard, and users can like posts by other users.
MVP List
1. New account, login, logout, guest/demo login (06/07/2018, 2 days)
- Users can sign up, sign in, log out
- Users can use a demo account to navigate site
- Users can't create posts unless logged in
- Logged in users can't see sign up / sign in page
- User can still search for and see posts while logged out (bonus)
2. Posts form for various post types (06/9/2018, 2 days)
- A different modal shows up for each form type
- Allows users to upload pictures & video from computer or link to a url
- Adequate styling
- Smooth, bug-free navigation
- Seeded with info to demonstrate this feature
3. Feed (06/11/2018, 2 days)
- Users have a feed of their followed users posts
- Infinite scrolling feature (bonus)
- Adequate styling
- Smooth, bug-free navigation
- Seeded with info to demonstrate this feature
4. Host on Heroku (06/12/2018, 0.5 days)
5. Likes (06/13/2018, 2 days)
- Users can like and unlike posts
- The like count is displayed for each post
- Adequate styling
- Smooth, bug-free navigation
- Seeded with info to demonstrate this feature
6. Follows (06/15/2018, 2 days)
- Users only see posts from users that they follow
- Users can see which users they follow
- Adequate styling
- Smooth, bug-free navigation
- Seeded with info to demonstrate this feature
7. Production README (6/15/2018, 0.5 days)
- Bonus: Users can search posts by tag
- Bonus: Reblog
- Bonus: User show page (blog)