Coding style - Sheba/MAI_SCADA GitHub Wiki
A small Style Guideline.
The guide is taken from Designing Qt-Style C++ APIs, by Matthias Ettrich, published by Trolltech.
- Class names begin with a capital letter: class Customer
- Function names begin with a lowercase letter.
- Although permitted by the compiler, periods, underscores, dashes, and funny characters should be avoided whenever possible (except wherenoted below).
- Multi-word names have subsequent words capitalized: class FileTagger void getStudentInfo() for example.
- Constants should be in CAPS.
- Each class name should be a noun or a noun phrase: class LargeFurryMammal; for example.
- Each function name should be a verb or a verb phrase: processBookOrder(); for example.
- Each bool variable name should produce a reasonable approximation of a sentence when used in an if() statement: bool isQualified; for example.
For data members, we will use a common prefix.
- Member name: m_Color, m_Width (prepend lowercase m_)
- static data members: sm_Singleton, sm_ObjCount
For each attribute, we have naming conventions for their corresponding getters/setters.
- Non-boolean getters getColor()
- Boolean getters: isChecked() or isValid()
- Setter: setColor(const Color& newColor);
For brackets:
int foo() // good
int foo() { // bad
We will use 2 space indent.
int foo()
int val;
for(int i=0;i<100;i++)
Try to be consistent in your code. A consistent naming convention greatly improves the readability and maintainability of a program.