SpproFrameWork Migrate - SharePointPro/SpproEntity GitHub Wiki
Connect to SharePoint
Choose SharePoint Lists & fields to create .cs Entity
Choose Namespace, Context Class Name and Project Location (.cs files are created)
Save your SP Entity Project so you can update the Model should you add/update any lists
Include the files into your projects.
Start accessing your lists via Strongly Typed C#
SecureString password = FetchPasswordFromConsole(); //Create Secure String Password
using (var context = new ClientContext(webSPOUrl)) //Create Client Context using Shaerpoint URL
context.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(userName, password); //Use Credentials
SpContext SpoContext = new SpContext(context); //Sp Context. Class Named via the SpproFramework GUI
var property = SpContext.Properties.Query("Id=3")[0]; //Get First entity with ID = 3, Any field can be used to query
property.Description = "My House"; //Update the Entity Property
SpContext.UpdateOrCreate(property); //Save Change back to SharePoint