Switch Case - ShaneBeee/SkBee GitHub Wiki

ooOOoo Switch Cases have made their way to SkBee.

What are they? Well... you're about to find out.

A switch case is meant to be a short form of if/else if/else sections.
In short, you switch a single object, and you use cases to compare to the object you switched.
A case is not a condition though, it's just an object you are comparing.

Think of switch/case always being the equivalent of if a = b:

Let's look at a quick example:

on damage:
    switch victim:
        case sheep:
            broadcast "SHEEP"
        case cow:
            broadcast "COW"
            broadcast "Something else"

Here we are switching the entity that was damaged, and using cases to compare it.
This code is exactly the same as doing:

on damage:
    if victim is a sheep:
        broadcast "SHEEP"
    else if victim is a cow:
        broadcast "COW"
        broadcast "Something else"

Just like an if/else if/else system, just the section of the case that matches will execute.

Inline Cases:

Inline cases allow you to run code in one line without a section.
Let's look at an example, using the same example from above, but with inline cases:

on damage:
    switch victim:
        case sheep -> broadcast "SHEEP"
        case cow -> broadcast "COW"
        default -> broadcast "Something else"

This works the same way as the one above, but rather than using a section, you can do it all in one line.

Returnable Switches

Normal switch cases will run code, but we can also use switch cases to return an object in a shorter form.
Let's look at an example:

on break:
    set {_i} to switch return type of event-block:
        case dirt:
            return 1 of diamond
        case stone:
            return 1 of emerald
            return 1 of stick
    give {_i} to player

And now let's compare that to a vanilla Skript example:

on break:
    if event-block is dirt:
        set {_i} to 1 of diamond
    else if event-block is stone:
        set {_i} to 1 of emerald
        set {_i} to 1 of stick
    give player {_i}

Returnable Switches with Inline Cases

Just like inline cases to run code, we can use inline cases to return something in a returnable switch. These are useful when all you need to do in the case is 1 line of code.

on break:
    set {_i} to switch return type of event-block:
        case dirt -> 1 of diamond
        case stone -> 1 of emerald
        default -> 1 of stick
    give {_i} to player

Cases with Multiple Checks:

Cases support checking for multiple objects at once, let's take our example from above and modify it a bit:

on damage:
    switch victim:
        case sheep, cow, pig, chicken:
            broadcast "Animal"
        case zombie, skeleton, creeper:
            broadcast "Monster"
            broadcast "Something else"

Let's look at the same example but with inline cases:

on damage:
    switch victim:
        case sheep, cow, pig, chicken -> broadcast "Animal"
        case zombie, skeleton, creeper -> broadcast "Monster"
        default -> broadcast "Something else"

Extra Notes:

  • default should always go last. If you put default before a case, all cases after it will get ignored.
  • Cases will always run in order from top to bottom.