Game - ShadowJonathan/ByteCart GitHub Wiki
In this massive multiplayer strategy game, teams will fight to conquer the battle field. During the game, players must conquer the opponent stations to settle basement for next attacks.
The winner is the team that owns all the stations of the battle field. This goal may be altered in future versions of the game.
#Station attack
A station of the battlefield can be conquered by any team by attacking it. To attack a station, a team must send a cart to the station: the cart must defeat the defense and enter the station for the attack to be successful.
The team owning the station must defend it against the attack by putting sufficient defense to control the attack, and preventing the cart to enter the station using the "busy line" as last chance.
An attacker cart will pass over the station sign 64 times (default value), because of the TTL timeout. Each time the attack will be tried.
If the attack is successful, the attacker will become the owner of the station.
Each station can have a chest or a double chest next to it that will contain defense units.
When an attacker cart is passing over the BC9001 sign, its content is substracted to the content of the chest. In this operation, the items will disappear from the game, only the remaining is left. If the chest is empty, before or after the operation, the cart will enter the station if the busy line is off.
The substraction will be performed even if the "busy line" is on, so a tactic may be to launch successive attacks to empty the defensive chest, and the "busy line" may be broken in a second phase.
The "defense units", i.e the content of the chest, are made of blocks or items that must have been mined, crafted, or stolen.
There is a hierarchy of defense units, and a computation rule to get the value of a defense unit against another. For example, A diamond will be 5 gold lingots, and so on.
The attacker cart will have the same set of units with the same values. The substraction is made unit by unit, using smaller units as remainders.
For example:
defense unit: 1 diamond (= 5 gold lingots)
attack unit: 4 gold lingots
defense unit: 1 gold lingot
attack unit: nothing
A different version may be studied with hoppers that empty the defensive chest.
#Game rules
- Players can not use their inventories to transport things except carrying weapons.
- To transport blocks, food or items, teams must only use source and destination stations that the team is owning at the time of the event.
- It is forbidden to stop the carts, modifiy or steal the tickets, modify or steal the content of the carts and more generally to modify or disturb the network. The network is not part of the game. The only exception is the busy line of the stations that can be modified or broken at will.
- The game mode must not be creative.
- Everything is public in the game, except the defense units chest content that must not be viewed by the attacker.
- Attacks are publicly announced as soon as they are initiated. The target address is publicly announced.
- Attacks may be launched in parallel and at any time by any team. It is a real time game.
Since teams are restricted in the usage of their inventories, they must conquer stations to store stuff for future attacks, and organize the movement of their stuff to the front line. Being closer from the enemy enables a surprise effect. A distant station is hard to defend.
Defense strategy must be organize to actively defend each attacked stations by filling the defensive chest and protecting the busy line.
Various strategies can be deployed to win attacks. These are to be discovered later.