BC7010 - ShadowJonathan/ByteCart GitHub Wiki
The BC7010 sign is a sign that gives a ticket to a player with a destination set. This ticket can be used by the player himself, or can be given to another player. It can also be placed in a storage cart.
This sign can be placed anywhere. Players must right-click on it to get a ticket with the destination address or a station name contained in the 4th line of the sign. If a player in a cart pass on a sign placed under the rails, its destination address will be set/changed.
The 3rd line of the sign hold the name of the station. This name will be the name given to the destination in the ticket and it will be used in the information messages.
The 1st line of the sign can contain the word 'train' to set the train parameter.
In it's clickable version, the sign can be split in 2 parts, with the name and address of the station on one separate clickable sign.
BC7010 sign is useful in stations, where a wall of BC7010 signs would be a destination board where travellers have to right-click their destination to select it.
It can also be used to give automatically a new destination to a player.
See BC7011 sign for the same functions available for storage carts in an automatic way.
Line #1 : train (optional)
Line #2 : [BC7010]
Line #3 : Destination name (for announcement)
Line #4 : station name or address of destination, under the form aa.bb.cc
Clickable sign:
Under rail, for automatic ticket update:
Alternate usage
A clickable sign can be split in 2 parts:
forward sign:
The forward sign can contain anything. Write your own text.
backward sign (2 blocks behind):
Line #1 : free
Line #2 : [BC7010]
Line #3 : Destination name (for announcement)
Line #4 : station name or address under the form aa.bb.cc
Here is an illustration of the alternate usage. The BC7010 sign is on the back of the block:
Splitted BC7010 was added in release 2.3.1