All Commands - Sh4d0v/mooege GitHub Wiki

Console Commands

!help [command] - short description of syntax and result

!commands - returns a list of all commands

!lookup [actor|monster|power|world|scene] - Searches in SNO database

!account [show|add|delete|setpassword] - Provides account managment commands

!account add <email@> <owner|admin|gm|user> - Set user-levels for players

!services [client] - List moonet services provided by the server

!rpcobject - Lists rpc-objects

!stats [system] - Renders statistics

!uptime - Renders uptime statistics

!version - Renders server version

!motd - Renders message of the day

!server - Allows you to control server and start/stop them

!debug - Ingame debug commands

Ingame Commands

These commands can not be invoked from the console. You have to log in with a character. You have to send \r in your chat to be able to send commands.

!spawn [amount] [actorSNO] - spawns a mob

!tp - Transfers your character to another world

!town - Transfers your character back to town

!whoami - Returns information about current logged in account

!item Runestone_Unattuned_07 1 - Spawns Runestones

!item <item_name> - (Use NON-NLS Key item column for "item_name")






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