LAB 10 1 - Sguinther/Fall2021-NET330-guinther GitHub Wiki

Standard Access List

  • ip access-list standard access list name - creates a standard ACL
  • deny network address wildcard mask (when you need to deny a specific network connection)
  • deny host device ip address (when you need to deny a specific client connection)
  • permit any

Extended Access List

  • deny ip network address ( wildcard mask ( host ip address being blocked ( or any other)
  • permit ip any any
  • exit
  • int interface that is establishing connection (serial 0/0/0)
  • ip access-group -access list name_ out

VTY lines

  • ip access-list STND-2
  • permit
  • exit
  • line vty 0 15 (all lines)
  • access-class STND-2 in
  • exit

Bonus Implementation Server Implementation

  • permit tcp any host web server ip ( eq 80 (port number)
  • deny ip any host web server ip (
  • permit ip any any

This allows the web server to be accessed via port 80 It also denies any icmp connection from accessing the web server (still allows other traffic)

  • int outbound interface of web server 0/0 or if serial 0/0/0
  • ip access-group access list name out