Requirements - Sgallegos6/cs451_final_project GitHub Wiki
The Computer Science department would like a web application that allows students to search for a listing of jobs that are within 100 miles from NMHU. For example, a user can see a listing of all jobs in the db within a 100 mile radius of NMHU. The application should show the listing of jobs and a marker on a map. A job is described as having a title, a salary, and location (latitude, longitude). The application should have a menu containing: a) access to all the jobs in the db as a list, b) access to a page containing a subset of jobs, c) the homepage.
FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS (what the program should do?)
Create, read, Update jobs listing Create, read, update, delete listings, ability to search listings
USABILITY REQUIREMENTS (what the program should look like?)
lists all created jobs, map with all job locations, lists the salary for each listing, lists the location of job,
RELIABILITY REQUIREMENTS (how reliable the system should be?)
the system should not delete jobs randomly, the system should maintain updated information,
PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS (how efficient should the system be?)
events should be received and accepted within 500 milliseconds, users should recieve feedback on any event within 1000 milliseconds,
SUPPORTABILITY REQUIREMENTS (how easy should the system be to support?)
the Program must be well documented, allowing new programmers to pick up the program and continue development, bug reports that are created by users
DESIGN REQUIREMENTS (design constraints?)
Home page, search page, job listing page
IMPLEMENTATION REQUIREMENTS (contraints on the way the software is built)
Django Framework, Bootstrap, Python/Html/Java, Geopy
INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS (interfaces with other systems?)