Models Database Migration - SethuGopalan/ebdjangoVR GitHub Wiki
created our Tech_Project class, now need Django to create the database. By default, the Django ORM creates databases in SQLite, but you can use other databases that use the SQL language, such as PostgreSQL or MySQL, with the Django ORM.
To start the process of creating database, need to create a migration. A migration is a file containing a Migration class with rules that tell Django what changes need to be made to the database. To create the migration, type the following command in the console, making sure you’re in the EBDDJANGOVR directory:
$ python makemigrations Tech_projects
Migrations for 'Tech_projects':
- Create model Tech_Project
Tech_projects/migrations/ has been created in the Tech_projects app
need to apply the migrations set out in the migrations file and create the database using the migrate command:
$ python migrate projects
Operations to perform: Apply all migrations: Tech_projects Running migrations: Applying Tech_projects.0001_initial... OK