Connect Visual C code and Git and Git Hub to Pro project - SethuGopalan/ebdjangoVR GitHub Wiki
Open VCC
Windows : (eb-virt) C:>code(This need VCC code connected to AWS CLI or Command Prompt)
Connect git to the project folder
C:\ cd -project folder name-
C:\ project_folder_name> git init (initialize the folder)
C:\ project_folder_name> git add . (add files)
C:\ project_folder_name> git commit(first commit)
3)connect GitHub to this project
a) login to GitHub account with user name password
b) Click New near to repository in the home page
c) in the Create a new repository ,Repository name add the same project name (this case I used ebdjangoVR Create same project folder in GitHub)
d) select public or private
e) add a ReadMe file
f) add .gitignore (it will ask you to select the template selected python)
Link the Local Repo to the Remote GitHub Repo
g) git remote add origin
Push the New File to the Remote Repo h) git push –u origin master