User Stories #2 - SetGoals/Goals GitHub Wiki
wants to set up an account
wants to personalise the user experience : Questions like -
Are you goals work related or personal? How many hours per week do you work? How many hours per week have you free to pursue personal goals? How long do you want to spend on this goal? (for each goal accumulating a total as goals are added)
wants to select goal categories: Questions like -
Choose a category for this goal.
Wants to personalise notifications: wants to Set specific reminder phrases - eg. stay on track with you running goal
wants to set review periods for each goal or set of goals
wants to track progress of each goal or set of goals
wants to see stats
wants to share with friends or team
wants to set rewards
wants to set goals as todo, in progress or complete
wants bi annual and annual review to include stats and rewards
wants to see percentage of all goals that fit value categories
wants to have option to pursue many goals but have time constraints notified by app