Meeting 24 05 2022 - SetGoals/Goals GitHub Wiki
Attending: Matt and Paul
Setting Goals
- Goals First
- Steps Afterwards
- Goals have Categories in Tags
- User Creates a "Goal Path"
- Goals can be predefined or customisable
Goals Have Limitations
Too many goals (how many)?
Is there a common theme for a collection of goals?
System uses Tags to list similar goal categories
Goals have scope
- Time Based
- Flexible - Long term
- Short Term
User Creates Milestones
Time Based
- Daily
- Weekly
- Fortnightly
- Monthly
- Quarterly
- Bi-Annually
- Annually
Other Milestone types?
Is The Goal Linked to a long term goal?
Is the Goal linked to other similar goal categories?
User is offered Reminders
Would you like reminders?
How Often?
User Diarises Their Progress
System prompts: How are you getting on?
Goals Are Stored In State of Progress
- To Do
- In Progress
- Completed
User is provided a Bi-Annual Review
- To Track Progress
- Donut chart of Values with percentage of how goals fit into 3 major Value areas: Foundation, Evolution and Purpose
User account requires Year of birth
Age Appropriate goal feedback and options are made available to specific age groups