Demonstration of Application working successfully deployed via Docker on Ec2 - SeshuVarma/websys GitHub Wiki

Final Testing of Our Rails application

  • Since our container is running, we should be able to access our Rails application. The EC2 instance should have a publicly accessible IP address.

  • We're going to the plugin that Ipaddress in the browser, it displays the index page listing out all the users from the database along with links: clicking on a user name displays the photos for that user.

This project has three outcome links(pages).

1. First page : Listing out all users from Database.

2. Second Page : showing the profile of selected user.

3. Third Page : showing the comments of selected user's Photo.

Here's the example of another user(BarackObama)

1. Listing out photos posted by BarackObama.

2. Here’s the comments posted for BarackObama's Photo.