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Welcome to the svyChartJS wiki!
This wiki provides comprehensive documentation for using the svyChartJS web-component, which allows you to display a chart utlizing the Chart.JS library within Servoy's NGClient.
First import the component using one of the release binaries or via Servoy's Web Package Manager.
If you would like to see the component in an example install the included solution, svyChartJSExample.servoy.
First add the component to a form by dragging it into the form using the Palette Wizard. It should be under ChartJS (chart).
If using a custom dataset (non-foundset) you can setup a simple pie chart by doing the following:
//Your data node object which requires a type and the data.
var data = {
type: 'pie',
data: {
labels: ["Red",
datasets: [{
data: [300, 50, 100],
backgroundColor: [
hoverBackgroundColor: [
//Initialize the chart by using setData
To add options to a chart you can do the following :
//The options object
var options = {
responsive: false,
scales: {
x: {stacked: true},
y: {stacked: true}
//call the api to set the options
The ChartJS library has great potential for customization. By passing in your own modified options or by using additional plugins. We will try and support some of these options on a case by case basis. Please post an issue for any feature requests which are relevant.
If you need to use callback functions as a part of your options object. You can use the following method to do so:
//As Servoy sanitizes functions from server side we are not able to use callback functions like normal:
//Instead of passing in a normal function like below:
var label_callback = function (context) {
return ' $' + context.dataset.data[context.dataIndex];
//You will need to generate a browser function, for this you need to use clientutils.generateBrowserFunction and pass the function as a string.
var label_callback = clientutils.generateBrowserFunction("function(context) { return ' $'+context.dataset.data[context.dataIndex] }");
var options = {
plugins: {
tooltip: {
callbacks: {
label: label_callback
//call the api to set the options
For additional options and documentation please refer to the official ChartJS docs.
When using the component with responsive forms we need to add some additional CSS styling to the component. In particular the height property must be greater than zero.
Returns a custom html stringed version of the legend.
Force the chart to (re)Draw if for some reason it has not.
Force the chart to update if it's options were changed.
Setup the chart's data. (This will automatically initialize and draw the chart)
Type | Name | Summary | Required |
Object | data | options object which requires both a type and data key value { type : String, data : Object } | Required |
Register a plugin. (This method must be called prior to drawing the chart)
Type | Name | Summary | Required |
Object | plugin | plugin object | Required |
An example of a chart plugin object can be found here.
Setup the chart's options. (This will automatically refresh the chart if it already exists)
Type | Name | Summary | Required |
Object | option | options object | Required |
Clears the chart.
Event | Params | Return | Description |
onClick | dataset_index (if using multiple datasets), index, label, value, event | Fired when clicking on a point | |
onChartDrawn | Fired when the chart is rendered |
Type | Name | Summary | Required |
Object | foundset | Using the foundset's data for chart | Optional |
String | LegendLabel | Show a default title of chart | Optional |
Array | backgroundColor | An array of colors to use for displaying the background of each series | Optional |
String | borderColor | Color to use for displaying the chart's border | Optional |
String | borderWidth | Border width of an data value | Optional |
String | hoverBackgroundColor | Background color of hovered selection | Optional |
String | hoverBorderColor | Border color of hovered selection | Optional |
String | hoverBorderWidth | Border width of an data value of hovered selection | Optional |
String | styleClass | Style class of the component's wrapper | Optional |