Style Guide - Serviray/ColourisedGame GitHub Wiki
This page will be a general guide to the aesthetics and inspiration of Colourised. It will state what games we are referencing from as well as the style that we want to keep to when creating levels and characters.
A lot of inspiration taken for the game comes from a similiar styled one; Night in the Woods. We will be taken inspiration for not only the overall design with the almost flat style, but also the animation for their characters with their marionette style.
Environment Design
Foliage, platforms and everything else included within the level should all follow the same style so that everything is the same and can be as cohesive as possible. The overall scene is structured around two concepts; a forest setting and warm colours, leaning more towards the red side of the spectrum. Scroll below to access the colour scheme link or go to the design home page.
The style for the environment ( including levels, environmental assets, props, etc ) is an almost lineless, flat coloured design. An example of this would be leaves, where the lineart would be the same colour as its main base colour, with any kind of detailing either being lighter or darker than its base.
Character Design
The main character; Flit, NPC's and enemies should all follow this style as well so that they look to belong within the world. For characters with multiple parts, such as the NPC's who have their body and then leaves, the two parts should be indistinguishable from each other so that it doesn't blend to look like a blob. Lineart is okay within characters but keeping within their colour palette is important so that they don't look odd.
Colour Scheme
The overall colour palette for the game will be linked in a separate page just to keep things consistent but a link will also be provided here so that we can be directed easily. Colour Palette