1.2 Stats Elements - Server-Analytics/stats-page GitHub Wiki

Datas-Elements are DOM elements that contain stats and other statistics. Those stats elements can go to a simple number to entire sets of graphs. We'll see how to edit or create new data-elements in order to customize/add all sorts of statistics on statsTabs.

HTML element and container

Before displaying numbers, we have to dig into some HTML. There are 2 types of stats-elements: large and small, the large one is for line/long graphs, and the small one is for pie charts and simple numbers with no graphs.

Our aesthetic rules

One of our priorities is to have a decent-looking page and UI, so the stats-elements grid should look something like that:

Element 1 size Element 2 Size Layout
Small Large [-] [---]
Large Small [---] [-]
Small Large [-] [---]
Large Small [---] [-]

Stats-Elements structures

Stats-Elements are simple divs, just add the small, large or global class then do whatever you want to do inside. I will add more info in this category once the CMS will be done.

Displaying stats

Displaying stats is really easy, in order to do this, you have to use simple datas- attributes:

Datas attributes

You can add an attribute to any element, for example, if you want to display the total number of messages sent in the selected time range, you can do:

You sent
> {indicator} </span>
! (
than usual)

<script> overwriteStats("dashboardStats"); </script>

Will display

You sent 478 messages! (-87 less than usual)

So here is the data-stats attributes list:

Attribute Name Definition Value(s)
datas-stats-id Group id of stats-elements any
datas-stats-type Stat to be displayed DATAS_statsElements.statName
datas-stats-method Method to compute stats total || average
data-stats-format Format the output stat time

(im not done writing this yet)

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