1.1 Getting datas - Server-Analytics/stats-page GitHub Wiki

Getting datas

All datas are stored under javascript values, but there are multiple types of datas, each of them having their own structure and specific use:

Data-storage: DATAS_statsDataRange

This data-storage contains every stats Server Analytics have on the server, datas are not sorted. This storage is used by every other data-storers, so these datas should not be changed or affected. Datas are here "stats groups", also called suivis. These are datas from a certain period to another. The default stats group time is 2 hours, which means that every stats group is a group of all stats within a date and a date + 2 hours.

Note: datas are deleted after 31 days for non-premium servers, so these datas are not global stats!

Example of a stats group Object:

Object {
   date: 1598667150752,
   readableDate: "Sam. 29 août 2020", // Can change depending on selected language
   messages: 15,
   voice: 5874
   // And more datas...

    Getting all datas with DATAS_statsDataRange:

const datas = DATAS_statsDataRange;
// Return the first stats group

// Return the second stats group

If you want to fetch the number of messages sent in the first stats group, you can use  

const datas = DATAS_statsDataRange;
// Output: 15

Note: You should always check if there are enough stats groups before trying to access one.

if(DATAS_statsDataRange.length >= 3)


Data-storage: DATAS_timeranges

This data-storage contains every DATAS_statsDataRange stats but sorted by timeranges. This array contains every time ranges set in the getStatsLayout.php file.

DATAS_statsDataRange structure:

0: Array(4) [ 86400000, (1) […], "Ces dernières 24 heures", 0 ]
1: Array(4) [ 172800000, (2) […], "Ces dernières 48 heures", 0 ]
2: Array(4) [ 604800000, (4) […], "Ces derniers 7 jours", 0 ]
3: Array(4) [ 2419200000, (4) […], "Ces derniers 28 jours", 0 ]
4: Array(4) [ 2592000000, (4) […], "Ces derniers 31 jours", 0 ]
Position Name Example value
0 Timerange in ms 8000
1 Stats groups [{ messages: [12, 13, 14] }]
2 Time range name These last 8000ms
3 Locked to non-premium 0

The real data-storage is the "stats group" argument in the DATAS_statsDataRange array. You can access these datas by using DATAS_statsDataRange[timerange.id][1].     Timerange Stats Groups structure:

 // Array containing every stats group with a date corresponding to the timerange
    date: 1598667150752,
    readableDate: "Sam. 29 août 2020",
    messages: 15,
    voice: 5874
    // And more datas...
    date: 1598667850718,
    readableDate: "Dim. 30 août 2020",
    messages: 18,
    voice: 5874
    // And more datas...
  // etc...


Data-storage: DATAS_statsData

STATS_statsData is the easiest way to get and display datas. This data storage contains every data from a selected timerange. Every stat is sorted by key name and is set with an array containing every stats group values corresponding to a certain stat key.

  "baseTimerange": 2,
  "date": [1598667150752, 1598574350752, 1598203150752, 1598388750752],
  "readableDate": ["Sam. 29 août 2020", "Ven. 28 août 2020", "Dim. 23 août 2020", "Mar. 25 août 2020"],
  "messages": [15, 13, 14, 12],
  "voice": [5874, 10547, 387, 1254]
  // And other stats...

  As you can see, it has the same keys that DATAS_statsDataRange, except for "baseTimerange", and this is where it gets tricky. This data-storage only stores stats for one timerange, which is the one set in the baseTimerange key. The default baseTimerange is 2 (id of timerange). In order to get datas from another timerange, you have to use the refreshStatsDatas() function.      

refreshStatsDatas() function

This function refreshes statistics stored in the DATAS_statsDatas object according to the given timerange:

Argument Name Example value Optional
0 Timerange ID 0 true


// Return stats for the timerange id 0

// Return stats for the timerange id 3

// Return stats for the actually selected timerange (id 3 here)

GlobalOptions.selectedTimerange = 1;
// Return stats for the timerange id 1

// Warning » Couldn't refresh datas. Timerange id specified doesn't exist.