Raspberry_Gitlab_Install - SergeyPopovGit/Install GitHub Wiki

Installation of GitLab CE on a Raspberry Pi 4 (4GB)

- Install GitLab on a Raspberry Pi 4

- Configure the GitLab server

MikrocontrollerProjekte 2020


Visit my GitHub page to download this file:


################## update your system (OPTIONAL STEP) ##################

update your systems package list

sudo apt update

upgrade all your installed packages to their latest versions

sudo apt upgrade

################## change hostname and password (OPTIONAL STEP) ##################

show current hostname


open Raspberry Pi configuration tool, change hostname and default user password, enable SSH

sudo raspi-config

restart Raspberry Pi

sudo reboot

check hostname


################## mount USB Stick (RECOMMENDED STEP) ##################

creates a directory for the USB Stick

sudo mkdir /media/usbstick

change owner

sudo chown pi /media/usbstick

show devices

sudo fdisk -l

format the usb stick in EXT4

sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1

mount the USB stick

sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/usbstick

get the USB stick UUID (Universally Unique Identifier)

sudo blkid

edit fstab

sudo nano /etc/fstab

# add automount USB stick on startup 
UUID=a322538a-2390-4d4f-b13a-7f057b4f2117  /media/usbstick  ext4  defaults  0  0

################## increase STACK size (RECOMMENDED STEP) ##################

show RAM and STACK usage

free -m

increase STACK size: CONF_SWAPSIZE=2048

sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile

restart STACK

sudo /etc/init.d/dphys-swapfile restart

check available STACK

free -m

################## install GitLab (NECESSARY STEP) ##################

download the latest package of GitLab CE from https://packages.gitlab.com/gitlab/raspberry-pi2

curl -Lo gitlab-ce_12.6.2-ce.0_armhf.deb https://packages.gitlab.com/gitlab/raspberry-pi2/packages/raspbian/stretch/gitlab-ce_12.6.2-ce.0_armhf.deb/download.deb

install the downloaded package

sudo apt install ./gitlab-ce_12.6.2-ce.0_armhf.deb

modify gitlab.rb configuration

sudo nano /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb

# change external_url to the IP of your Raspberry Pi
external_url ''

# reduce the number of running workers to the minimum in order to reduce memory usage (line 750)
unicorn['worker_processes'] = 2

# tune the amount of concurrency in your Sidekiq process (line 814)
sidekiq['concurrency'] = 9

# storing GitLab data in an alternative directory (line 438)
git_data_dirs({ "default" => { "path" => "/media/usbstick/git-data" } })

reconfigure GitLab

sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure

visite http://gitlab/ with your Browser


################## check if GitLab is running after reboot (OPTIONAL STEP) ##################

get GitLab service status

sudo gitlab-ctl status

stop all GitLab components

sudo gitlab-ctl stop

restart Raspberry Pi

sudo reboot


Usage of GitLab

- Generate a SSH key pair for authentication

- Create and push a project to your GitLab server

- Clone a project from your GitLab server

- Issues and merge requests example

MikrocontrollerProjekte 2020



Visit my GitHub page to download this file:


system requirements:

- install Git (free and open source distributed version control system): https://git-scm.com/

################## SSH Key (RECOMMENDED STEP) ##################

create an SSH Key for your server (press enter to don't use a keyphrase)

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]"

ensure that ssh-agent is enabled by running

eval $(ssh-agent -s)

add your private key to the SSH registry

ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

go to SSH directory

cd ~/.ssh/

create the config file

touch config

################## push a (STM32CubeIDE) project to your GitLab server ##################

create a new project in GitLab (new project button or plus icon in the navigation bar) http://gitlab/

copy the SSH repository URL from the GitLab project (Clone button --> Clone with SSH --> Copy URL to clipboard)

initialize the local STM32CubeIDE project folder as an empty Git repository

git init

add the copied SSH repository URL as remote repository where your local repository will be pushed to

git remote add origin [email protected]:root/stm32f7_motorctrl.git

verify the new remote SSH repository URL

git remote -v

add all files to your local repository staging area

git add .

commit all files that you have staged in your local repository

git commit -m "first commit - initial project"

push the changes in your local repository to GitLab

git push origin master

################## clone a (STM32CubeIDE) project from your GitLab server ##################

copy the SSH repository URL from the GitLab project (Clone button --> Clone with SSH --> Copy URL to clipboard)

clone the project repository into your local STM32CubeIDE workspace

git clone git@gitlab:stm32f7_motorctrl.git

import the project into STM32CubeIDE workspace

################## push a development branch to your GitLab server and merge it into master branch in GitLab ##################

create the development branch "dev_startup_delay"

git branch dev_startup_delay

switch to the development branch

git checkout dev_startup_delay

show the working tree status

git status

add the changed main.c file to your local repository staging area

git add Core/Scr/main.c

check the working tree status

git status

commit changes that you have staged in your local repository

git commit -m "add a startup delay"

push the development branch in your local repository to GitLab

git push origin dev_startup_delay

merge the development branch into master branch in GitLab

switch back to master branch

git checkout master

pull new master to local repository

git pull origin master


Maintenance of GitLab

- Backup GitLab data

- Update GitLab version

- Shutdown GitLab

- Cleanup garbage from filesystem

- Cooling and fancy stuff

MikrocontrollerProjekte 2020


Visite my GitHub page to download this file:



################## backup GitLab ##################

additional information: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/raketasks/backup_restore.html

create a backup of the GitLab system (does not store your configuration files!)

sudo gitlab-backup create

backup manually the following files (warning: gitlab-secrets.json is essential to preserve your database encryption key):

- /etc/gitlab/gitlab-secrets.json

- /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb

copy the backup files to e.g. a NAS (Network Attached Storage)

################## update GitLab using a manually downloaded package ##################

additional information: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/update/README.html

search the latest GitLab package version you wish to install: https://packages.gitlab.com/gitlab/raspberry-pi2

download the GitLab package

curl -Lo gitlab-ce_12.9.2-ce.0_armhf.deb https://packages.gitlab.com/gitlab/raspberry-pi2/packages/raspbian/stretch/gitlab-ce_12.9.2-ce.0_armhf.deb/download.deb

update the GitLab installation

sudo dpkg -i gitlab-ce_12.9.2-ce.0_armhf.deb

################## shutdown GitLab server ##################

additional information: https://docs.gitlab.com/omnibus/maintenance/README.html

stop all GitLab components

sudo gitlab-ctl stop

shutdown the Raspberry Pi

sudo shutdown -h 0

################## cleanup garbage from filesystem ##################

additional information: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/raketasks/cleanup.html

check for local project upload files which don’t exist in the GitLab database

sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:cleanup:project_uploads

remove local project upload files which don’t exist in the GitLab database

sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:cleanup:project_uploads DRY_RUN=false

check for object store upload files which don’t exist in the GitLab database

sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:cleanup:remote_upload_files

remove object store upload files which don’t exist in the GitLab database

sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:cleanup:remote_upload_files DRY_RUN=false

################## information about your GitLab installation / configuration ##################

additional information: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/raketasks/maintenance.html

information about your GitLab installation and the system

sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:env:info

check the GitLab configuration

sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:check

get service status

sudo gitlab-ctl status

################## check CPU temperature ##################

install the latest version from github repository

curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MilhouseVH/bcmstat/master/bcmstat.sh -o ~/bcmstat.sh

make it executable

sudo chmod +x ~/bcmstat.sh

run script

./bcmstat.sh pyexsTd1

################## fancy display for the GitLab server ##################

enable I2C interface with raspi-config -> 5. Interfacing Options -> P5 (I2C)

sudo raspi-config

stop all GitLab components

sudo gitlab-ctl stop

reboot the Raspberry Pi

sudo reboot

install some tools

sudo apt-get install python-smbus i2c-tools python-pil

install GPIO lib

sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev python-pip sudo pip install RPi.GPIO

clone the Adafruit SSD1306 lib for the I2C display

sudo python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel git clone https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Python_SSD1306

install the Adafruit library

cd Adafruit_Python_SSD1306 sudo python setup.py install

find connected I2C devices

i2cdetect -y 1

start the stats example

cd examples sudo python stats.py

install GPIO lib

sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev python-pip sudo pip install RPi.GPIO