Development Roadmap - Serendipitously/pfive GitHub Wiki
Development Roadmap
This is a living document outlining our development strategy. Development will be broken up in to bite sized phases, each with concrete feature sets and a deliverable. Each feature or primary task will be a line item in a phase listed below. Check off tasks as they are completed. As development progresses and features are finished, redesigned, or rescoped, please update this document.
Phase 1 (6/8/2016)
- Set up local development environment with Python, Node, Pip, Git and anything else we might need [DONE]
- Create a "Developer Ramp-up" document on this wiki detailing the results of the process [DONE]
- Set up a simple Django server (Tutorial) [DONE]
- For this phase, simply use the SQLite database that comes prepackaged with Django [DONE]
- Define the data models in the tech document. Test them using Django's built in admin CRUD UI
Phase 2
- Add basic user authentication (Django.auth)
- Allow users to edit their own name and profile (to test user CRUD)
- Upgrade to a Postgres Database (Linux tutorial)
- Add some initial data