User Documentation - SeregaKuznetsov/RoomServiceOnDemand GitHub Wiki

Sign Up

  1. Go to service website
  2. Click on "Sign Up" in the right top corner
  3. Enter all required data:
  • email in correct format
  • your name
  • phone number in international format starting with "+"
  • password that contains at least one digit and 8 symbols length
  1. Press "Sign Up" button
  2. User was successfully registered and redirected to login page

Alternative flows:

  1. If at least one of the fields in the form is incorrect, the user will get a message of what was exactly was incorrect. (f.e. "Password length should be at least 8 symbols!" or "Phone number should be in correct international format, starting with '+' !")
  2. If user with entered email is already exists in system, the user will get a message about it: "User with provided login already exists!"

Sign In

  1. Go to service website (or if you are already on page SignUp click on "Login" in right top corner)
  2. Enter all required data: email and password
  3. User was successfully logged in and redirected to user web-panel

Alternative flow: If at least one of the fields in the form is incorrect, the user will get a message "User not found!"

Open request list

Sign in with admin or user account

  • For admin: system will show all active requests from all users
  • For user: system will show all already created requests

Create request

  1. Open request list
  2. Press "Create new" button
  3. In appeared pop-up window in the right side enter following data:
  • room number (only digits)
  • date (click on calendar, select date or enter manually)
  • time (click on calendar, click on clock icon and choose time or enter manually)
  1. Press "Create" button
  2. Request with the specified date, time and room number was successfully created in system
  3. Message about request was sent to administrator's gmail account (log:[email protected] pas:Qazxswedc! )

Alternative flow: If the user has specified the time NOT in the range from 10 am to 6 pm, the request will be not created and the user will get a message "Error: Time bounds for requests should be between 10:00 and 18:00"

Change request status

  1. Logout if you are already logged in (click "Logout" in right top corner)
  2. Sign in with admin account (log: [email protected] pas: password1)
  3. Choose one of exiting requests and press "Edit" button
  4. In appeared pop-up window in the right side choose a new status from drop down list.
  5. Add comment if you want - it will be in message
  6. Press button "Change"
  7. Requests successfully changes its status
  8. Email with new status and comment message was sent to user's email, who created this request

Send feedback about cleaning

  1. Sign in with already created user account
  2. Choose any created request with status "Done"
  3. Press "Feedback" button
  4. Choose stars for grading
  5. Enter text message of feedback
  6. Feedback was saved in database
  7. Entered feedback text was sent to admin's gmail

Change language

  1. Open any page from website
  2. Click on "EN" or "RU" text in right top corner to change language