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ZSH Shell

OSX comes installed with a list of shells, of which BASH is the default. I like ZSH more, and it can be made into a more useful shell in some easy steps:

  1. Check your ZSH version

    zsh --version
  2. Confirm ZSH location

    which zsh
  3. Confirm list of accepted shells

    cat /etc/shells
  4. Update ZSH with brew

    brew install zsh
  5. Confirm brew ZSH install location

    ls -la /usr/local/bin/zs*
  6. Add brew ZSH to list of approved shells

    sudo vi /etc/shells

    File should look like this:

    /usr/local/bin/zsh <-- the line you're adding
  7. Change shell to brew ZSH

    chsh -s /usr/local/bin/zsh
  8. Restart terminal

  9. Confirm using new shell

    which zsh

    Should return /usr/local/bin/zsh or

    zsh --version

    should match brew info zsh


So now you have and are using the latest version of ZSH, and updating will be nicely cared for by Homebrew. Next I'll get Oh-my-ZSH, a framework for ZSH that adds easy theming, bundles of aliases, etc:

  1. Curl it: sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)"
  2. I use a theme that makes use of Powerline, a shell plugin that adds some pretty nice eye-candy. It uses some glyphs that are only available in Powerline Fonts (icons for Git etc.). After some attempts I decided to stick with Menlo for Powerline (not in the above Fonts repo, it's made by someone else), because it's a nice terminal/code editor font. You'll need to download and install it normally in your Font Book. The preview might show some weird/broken glyphs. It's fine.
  3. In order to properly display it, open iTerm2 and set the font in Preferences > Profile > [Default|Your profile] > Text to 12pt Menlo for Powerline for both Regular and Non-ASCII fonts. I also played around with the horizontal/vertical spacing under each "Change font" to get the best out of it (for me it worked to set both fonts identically to the mark 7 horizontal, and mark about 6.75 vertical, both antialiased).

iTerm 3 beta Note: After switching to iTerm3 beta I noticed that you no longer have to choose two fonts, and instead there's a checkbox (default unchecked) to use a different font for non-ASCII. So in this case, you only need to set the font to Menlo once. Secondly, I didn't neet to tweak the spacing for the font and it looked OK with both vertical and horizontal spacing set to the default 100%. 4. Now you can sudo vim ~/.zshrc, look for the ZSH_THEME="robbyrussell" line (/robby + Return) and set it to


(make sure your cursor is anywhere inside the word "robbyrussel", type ciw (Change Inner Word), write agnoster, hit ESC, then :wq (Write & Quit)) 5. At this point you can also add alias bundles to OMZSH if you want (I leave it alone). By default it adds only Git (which means you get a bunch of shorter Git commands like gst instead of git status and such) which you can review by typing alias.

I recommend ZSH Syntax Highlighting, it makes a nice addition:

brew install zsh-syntax-highlighting

Then, as the post-install instructions also state, add

source /usr/local/share/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh

at the END of your .zshrc file, then either restart your iTerm or re-source the terminal window(s) with

source ~/.zshrc

You can test it at this point by typing brew. It should be red at bre and turn green at brew.