BasicConvolveOp - Serabe/rinzelight GitHub Wiki
In rinzelight.effects.convolve.ops
you can find bassic support for convolve operators.
Since Java doesn’t allow using your own, rinzelight convolve operators must expand the image.
A convolve operator is a function that, given an image and a kernel, returns an expanded image. It is defined using either convolve-op
or convolve-op-by-location
expects a name for the operator, a vector containing symbols for the image and the kernel and the body that will be executed.
Inside the body, you have the image and the _kernel available but for getting and setting pixels you must use set-to-new-image
and get-from-image
. Since the images diffe, you need to use some help from auxiliar methods like helper-image-size
and orig-img-starting-pixel
Every convolve operator in rinzelight is implemented using this macro, look at the source code if you want a few examples of how it is used.
This macro only accepts two parameters: the name for the convolve operator and a function. The function, given the original image and the kernel, must return a function that maps the location of a pixel in the new image to a location in the original image.
For example, the function for creating a repeat-op with this macro is:
(defn repeat-fn [img kern]
(let [[w h] (helper-image-size img kern)
[ix iy] (orig-img-starting-pixel kern)
iw (:width img)
max-w (dec iw)
ih (:height img)
max-h (dec ih)
right-x (+ ix iw)
bot-y (+ iy ih)
f-x (fn [x] (cond
(< x ix) 0
(>= x right-x) max-w
:else (- x ix)))
f-y (fn [y] (cond
(< y iy) 0
(>= y bot-y) max-h
:else (- y iy)))]
(fn [x y]
[(f-x x) (f-y y)])))
Consider this option just for prototyping, since it is five times slower than convolve op for original repeat-op.
Fills the extra space with black pixels.
Repeat the borders.
Considers the image as a thorus when expanding the image.