Datasource Searcher - Septima/spatialsuite-s4 GitHub Wiki
The Datasource Searcher allows the user to search datasources.
- The search is done in real time and therefore reflects the current contents of the database.
- This is different from searching an index which reflects the contents of the database at the time of indexing.
Therefore: If you have real-time needs and yor database is sufficiently fast in searching you may use the Datasource Searcher.
The datasource to search MUST have the following command: read_search.
- The read_search command MUST return the following fields:
- heading, which is use as title in the search result
- The read_search command MAY return the following fields:
- description
- url
- shape_wkt, wkt representation of the geometry.
- The command will be called with two url-parameters
- query, the query string
- limit, the maximum number of rows to return
Example of datasource and command:
<datasource endpoint="ep_kbh" name="ds_park_monumenter">
<table geometrycolumn="wkb_geometry" name="park.monumenter" pkcolumn="ogc_fid"/>
<sql command="read_search">
distinct navn as heading,
'' || web_id:: character varying as url,
astext(wkb_geometry) as shape_wkt
from park.monumenter
where navn ilike '[query]%'
order by navn
limit [limit];
The Datasource Searcher accepts the following options:
- datasource, mandatory
- onSelect, mandatory. Function to call when a result is selected (function OnSelect(result))
- matchesPhrase, optional
- hyperLinkLabel, optional
- iconUrl, optional
Example of usage of Datasource Searcher:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tool type="plugin">
[if: ModuleDefined("s4") ] // Don't do anything if s4 is not installed
<include src="[module:s4.dir]/tools/s4-requires.xml" nodes="/tool/requires/*" mustexist="true"/>
[if: ModuleDefined("s4") ]
var _s4Searchers = _s4Searchers || [];
var options = {
datasource: "ds_park_monumenter", // Obligatorisk
onSelect: s4Hit, // valgfri. Angiv egen funktion eller brug den indbyggede (s4Hit(result))
source: "Monumenter", // Obligatorisk
type: "Monumenter", // Obligatorisk
matchesPhrase: "matcher", // Valgfri. Angiv et ord
hyperLinkLabel: "Læs om monumentet", // Valgfri. Angiv en henvisningstekst
iconUrl: ""
searcher : new Septima.Search.DatasourceSearcher(options),
info: true //Valgfri. Angiver om, der skal kunne søges info p� objektet
Read about the s4 API (s4Hit, _s4Searchers, _s4OnSelect) Here