Commands - Seosaidh/torRpgBot GitHub Wiki
This page lists all the commands available for the torRpgBot. As of 8/3/18, the bot currently has a hard-coded command flag. In the future, functionality to configure this flag will be implemented.
General Command Structure
The bot uses the following general structure for it's commands:
The fields are as follows:
- FLAG: The command flag. Currently hard-coded to "!", but in the future it should be configurable.
- COMMAND: The actual command. The list of supported commands is found below.
- BODY: The body of the command that details the options for the command. Each command expects a different body, although a similar syntax is used for all bodies.
Below, find a list of the valid commands, along with any aliases, a description of the body of the command, and a description of what the command does. Please note that all commands are not case-sensitive. For the command body, the following conventions are used:
- For a required, constant string, the text is simply entered
- For an optional field, the field is surrounded by "[]"
- For a choice between different selections, each selection is separated by "|"
- A string in all-caps describes a variable that must be provided by the user.
Command Strings: roll, r
Description: This command will perform a roll using the specified number of success dice plus a feat die and print out a message with the roll results.
The body is broken down as follows:
- w - include if the roll is performed by a weary character.
- a - include if the roll is performed with advantage (roll the feat die twice and keep the best result). This cannot be paired with the 'd' option.
- d - include if the roll is performed with disadvantage (roll the feat die twice and keep the worst result). This cannot be paired with the 'a' option.
- NUM_OF_SUCCESS_DICE - the number of success dice to roll. This is equal to the character's skill level plus any bonus dice.
- NUM_OF_MASTERY_DICE - the number of mastery dice to roll. These dice will not appear in the final result, but are rolled along with the success dice and then NUM_OF_SUCCESS_DICE best rolls are kept and printed.
- MODIFIER - A flat modifier to add (or subtract if the "-" is specified) to the final result.
- SKILL_TO_ROLL - the skill/attribute being rolled.
- TARGET_NUMBER - the target number that must be reached to succeed. If this field is absent, the TN is assumed to be 14.
Command Strings: adversary, adv, a
Description: This is the same as the Roll Command, except that is is for use with adversaries. Adversaries get an automatic success on a different result of the feat die and have a different result on the same die that gives a value of 0. It was decided to implement this as a separate command to prevent the addition of another option to the roll command.
Command Strings: help, h
Command Body: None
Description: This command will send a private message to the user who sent the command message. The contents of the PM will consist of a list of the available commands, their aliases, their body syntax, and their descriptions. In short, it will basically PM this page to the user.
Set Flag
Command String: setFlag
Command Body: FLAG_TO_SET
Description: This will set the command flag string on the current server to FLAG_TO_SET. This only affects the current server, and will be saved across bot reboots.
Free Dice
Command String: d, dice
Command Body: Xd12 Yd6
Description: This will roll X d12s and Y d6s and then print the results. The order of the dice specifiers does not matter. If X or Y is 0, you may omit the entire dice specifier. But you must roll at least one die.
Reload Emotes
Command String: reloadEmotes
Command Body: None
Description: This will reload the emotes for the server. This should only be issued if the dice emotes the bot cares about have been changed on the server.