Export and Import the database using the command line - Sentto/Sentto-University GitHub Wiki


Log in to the server console via SSH.

Execute the following command to create a backup of the current database. In this example, the database is named bitnami_wordpress. Replace this with the name of the database you wish to export.

$ mysqldump -u root -p DATABASENAME > backup.sql

Enter the database password when prompted.


Log in to the server console via SSH.

Execute the following command to import the backup file. In this example, the target database is named wordpress. Replace this with the name of the database you wish to import into.

$ mysql -u USERNAME -p -h ENDPOINT -D DATABASENAME < backup.sql

Remember to replace the USERNAME placeholder with the your own username, and the ENDPOINT placeholder with the actual endpoint of your database instance, the endpoint can be understood as mysql's host name, and the DATABASENAME placeholder with your actual database name.

refer to: https://wiki.bitnami.com/Amazon_cloud/Migrate_Your_Application_Database_to_Amazon_RDS?highlight=redmine+to+Amazon+RDS