Connecting to a DB Instance Running the MySQL Database Engine - Sentto/Sentto-University GitHub Wiki
Once Amazon RDS provisions your DB instance, you can use any standard MySQL client application or utility to connect to the instance. In the connection string, you specify the DNS address from the DB instance endpoint as the host parameter, and specify the port number from the DB instance endpoint as the port parameter.
To connect a DB instance using MySQL Workbench
One GUI-based application you can use to connect is MySQL Workbench. For more information, go to the Download MySQL Workbench page.
- For SSH Hostname: please use sentta's ip address
- For MySQL host or host name, specify its DB instance path, e.g.:
- For port, specify 3306
To connect a DB instance using the MySQL utility
To connect to a DB instance using the MySQL utility, type the following command at a command prompt to connect to a DB instance using the MySQL utility. For the -h parameter, substitute the DNS name for your DB instance. For the -P parameter, substitute the port for your DB instance. Enter your user name to replace "myusername", enter your password when prompted.
mysql -h -P 3306 -u myusername -p
You will see output similar to the following:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 350
Server version: 5.1.32-log MySQL Community Server (GPL)
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.