System and Structure - SentryXSI/Codiad GitHub Wiki


The Codiad platform is built as a core system built by combining specifically tasked components. The structure includes data, a workspace and components. The main js and css directories house the globally available functions and style definitions for the system.


System data is stored in JSON formatted PHP files which are read and written to via the common.php file's JSON function (getJSON and saveJSON). This method protects the files from being publicly accessible through the browser.


The workspace directory houses all projects and their files. The filemanager component acts upon these files via pathing to the root of the project.


Every action performed on the system utilizes one or more of the components. Components are housed in the components directory and loaded into the system at run-time via the components/load.json file which looks specifically for a init.js and screen.css file. All other scripts should be loaded by the init.js file via the global function $.loadScript()' (see /js/system.js`).

Any server side functions are handled by a controller.php file which interfaces with the class.{component}.php file to handle processing.

To add an entry to the right-hand panel see components/right_bar.json. For a list of icon-codes go to codiad-url/style_guide.php.


Plugins are quite similar then components, but stored in another location of the codiad main directory. You can automatically download them from the plugin market or just put them manually in the plugins directory. Each plugin contains a metadata file, named plugin.json, containing author, version and description. Codiad looks on each start for a init.js and screen.css file and starts the plugin. All other scripts should be loaded by the init.js file via the global function `$.loadScript()' (see


All layout related stuff is merged together as a theme. Codiad uses by default the default theme which is located in the themes directory. As already mentioned in the components section of this article, each component is using a screen.css which is automatically loaded on startup. If the desired file is missing in a custom theme, Codiad has an included fallback to the default theme. More information about themes can be found at