Settings and plugins - SentryXSI/Codiad GitHub Wiki


Plugins are able to hook into the settings of Codiad since v2.5.0 to provide their own config on a common place.

How to add your plugin to the settings

Expand your plugin.json:

[{ "author" : "Your Name",
  "version": "Your Version",
  "name" : "Your Plugin Name",
  "url" : "Your Repositry Url",
  "exclude" : "",
  "rightbar" : [{
    "action" : "codiad.yourplugin.doSomething();",
    "icon" : "icon-info-circled",
    "title" : "This will be displayed in the rightbar"
  "contextmenu" : [{
    "action" : "codiad.yourplugin.doSomething();",
    "icon" : "icon-info-circled",
    "applies-to" : "both",
    "title" : "This will be displayed in the contextmenu"
  "config": [{
    "file": "dialog.php",
    "icon": "icon-info-circled",
    "title": "This will be displayed in the sidebar of the settings dialog"

Your file provides your configs as html file. You can expand this entry with GET parameters.

Saving logic

Each input field with the html class setting are automaticly saved in the localStorage with the key which has to be provided as data-setting attribute. For an example see: settings.system.php.

If you want to implement a more complex logic like preprocessing your configs use the amplify publication

Syncing logic

The user decides whether the settings of plugins are synced or not. Please respect that. In order to grant this save your configs with a key that starts with codiad.plugin. in the localStorage.

If you want to modify (change, add or delete) your configs before the synchronisation listen to the amplify publication

React on changes

To react on changed settings listen to the amplify publication settings.changed.

amplify.subscribe('settings.changed', function(){
    //React here on changed settings